Meena writes,

Our next pen club meet is this THURSDAY, April 25 6:30 - 8:00 P.M., 134 West 29th Street, 2nd floor Studio 1-1.

For April's meet, bring your pen(s)/pen-adjacent items with cherry blossoms/other flowers/rain/sparkles to show and share. If you have shimmer ink (like raindrops?) or flower-themed ink samples or bottles to re-home, please bring them along with a swatch if you are able. As usual, we'll have a suggested contribution ($10 cash) for those who attend to offset the cost of the rental and snacks. The monetary contribution is by no means required in order to attend the meeting - just join us with your ink-stained hands. As a gentle reminder, if you feel sick the day of the meeting, please stay home and we'll see you at the next one.