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View Full Version : Montblanc Midnight blue ink question.

September 1st, 2012, 11:16 AM

I hope some one can help me. I have started using Montblanc Midnight Blue ink in one of my older Parker pens. With this ink having a high sediment content how long should I leave it in my pen(s) with out cleaning them out?

Thanks for any help.



P.S. sorry I think I should of posted this in the ink section. Could an admin please move it? Many thanks.

September 5th, 2012, 01:48 PM
This is just my personal regiment. I flush my pens after each tank full is used up. I have never had any flow issues related to pen cleanliness. I live in the desert southwestern US and ink tends to evaporate faster in the summer months. I will generally check my inked pens on a weekly basis or daily if they are subjected to the desert heat. Any that seems like they are low (I turn the pen nib up and if a thin film of ink drops back into the converter/cartridge/piston. I wait until sack pens don't write to flush them.), even if they still write, unless a sack pen, get flushed.