View Full Version : Sheaffer and vegemite !!

November 8th, 2015, 08:02 PM
Favorite brand Sheaffer ( Nonsense BP ) advertising my current breakfast spread of choice, the iconic vegemite !!

Lady Onogaro
November 8th, 2015, 08:04 PM
That's a cool pen! I have a Sheaffer with a Robin on it. That's kind of dull compared to vegemite.

November 9th, 2015, 12:08 AM
Yes I have tried Vegemite. Acquired taste? Trying to come up with a Limerick that rhymes with Aussie saying Yosemite that rhymes its Vegemite . . .
From when is this pen?

November 9th, 2015, 02:56 AM
Yes I have tried Vegemite. Acquired taste? Trying to come up with a Limerick that rhymes with Aussie saying Yosemite that rhymes its Vegemite . . .
From when is this pen?

I think a lot would believe vegemite an acquired taste !! While I was "born and bred" on vegemite I think most "new users" spread too much on their toast, it's a "less is better" product !!....especially compared to jams/marmalades etc. I guess it's from the '70 or '80's but not sure on that.


November 9th, 2015, 07:27 AM
I hope this won't bring the wrath of Australia down upon me, but I prefer Marmite.:angel: I did try Vegemite, though, and finished the jar. Not bad.

You can get anything on the Internet these days, but one of our local groceries here in my part of Connecticut actually stocks Marmite. Expensive, but a little goes a long way. I think I got the Vegemite from Amazon.

Neat Vegemite pen! :thumb:

November 9th, 2015, 08:04 AM
Love the pen!! My wife finds both Vegemite and Marmite revolting (she was born in London) and I would love a pen like this just to see her reaction.

To be fair, I am very fond of SPAM (not sure if you can purchase in Australia), which she also finds revolting. If anyone has a SPAM pen, I am interested.

November 9th, 2015, 02:22 PM
Being an Aussie I too was raised on vegemite. Two schools. Thin spreader and thick spreader. I am a thick spreader. But I can tell something that some may not believe. I was at the local Supermarket and noticed peanut butter flavoured ice cream. And last Australia day I was at a local butcher who specialises in making a variety of sausages including Italian with oregano and basil etc. Guess what was the Aussie sausage for Australia day. Cheese and Vegemite sausages. No I did not buy them but the butcher assured me they were great and selling like hot cakes. Not for me. Funny how this post digressed?

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March 10th, 2023, 01:00 PM
Acquired a taste for Marmite in New Zealand. Thin spread on wholemeal bread topped with avocado slices.

In 2011, earthquake damage to the Sanitarium Foods plant in Christchurch, the sole source of the spread, caused a retail panic known as "Marmageddon."

I recall reading that the product originated in a British scheme to use the residue of the brewing process to nourish the working class.