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November 20th, 2015, 08:38 AM
The Djinn, oh Best Beloved; not just any Djinn but the very Eldest of the Djinn; the one that sat at the very edge of the world at the very beginning of time; the Djinn that pulled the sun up from the depths on the very end of his fishing line on the very first day; the very very Eldest of the Djinn; was determined to share with all that which he imagined.

He set the sun in place then turned his back to it and his shadow, a deep darkling dancing shadowy shimmery shade squiggled its way across the desert until it touched the Great Green Forest at the other end of the world. “Come my Children” he called, “Come and get the gifts I bring to you.”

The deep darkling dancing shadowy shimmery shade shook itself at the very edge of the Great Green Forest and slowly started to shrink. As the deep darkling dancing shadowy shimmery shade slowly crept back towards the Eldest of all Djinn sitting with his back to the sun, it drew from the Great Green Forest all of the creatures that had been hiding in the shelter of its shade.

The Eldest of all Djinn sat with his back to the sun and all of the creatures he had created sat or lay or stood or squatted in a circle before him.

“Come Forward my Formless Children” the Eldest of Djinn said as he balanced his turban on the sand by his side. “Formless you shall be no more and in my turban (for it was a most magical turban) is that which will fill your formlessness with fantastic features of fabulous familial fluctuations.”

November 20th, 2015, 04:26 PM
I tried reading it out loud but had to give up.
Very nice though Jar.

November 21st, 2015, 08:05 AM
Good story, jar -- a very enjoyable read.