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View Full Version : writing slope I came across

April 2nd, 2016, 12:36 PM

Spotted this in an antique shop


I opened the box


to look inside.


A slope... for £85


I was tempted but didn't buy it. Regularly go to the town with this shop. Is it worth going back and parting with some money?

April 2nd, 2016, 12:53 PM
I was tempted but didn't buy it. Regularly go to the town with this shop. Is it worth going back and parting with some money?

Well, that depends.
1) Is this one in good condition? Are the hinges strong and connected securely? Is the (leather?) writing surface in decent shape? Does the locking mechanism work (and is the key available)? Is the wood good and sturdy (not pine or balsa)?

If the answer to all of these is yes, then the price is as good or better than many of the listings I've seen on eBay.

The most important questions, of course, is...
2) Do you want a writing slope?

If your answers to #1 and #2 are both yes, then I'd say go for it!

April 2nd, 2016, 01:13 PM
The keys are available, but I didn't check to see if it works. There are a few dents, but it does feel quite sturdy.

April 2nd, 2016, 02:23 PM
The keys are available, but I didn't check to see if it works. There are a few dents, but it does feel quite sturdy.

If I had the coin, I'd buy it.

Then I'd have to explain it to my wife...

April 2nd, 2016, 03:32 PM
Hi Morgaine

I can give you a little information about the writing slope in your pictures.
The inside is solid mahogany and the outside has been veneered in walnut, I think the edging around the top might be brass which along with the secret compartments are usually found on Georgian writing slopes. The size of the box and the interior ebonising would suggest to me the slope is from the Victorian period. If I had to stick my neck out I would say this was made early in the Victorian period around 1850.

There are one or two issues the odd knock and missing piece of edging are nothing to worry about they just add character and show the history of the box.
The leather writing surface has split across the centre this acts as a hinge for the writing surface It is quite simple to replace should you decide to buy it.

Is it worth £85 only you can answer that if you like it then it is worth the money and remember most dealers are open to offers.



April 3rd, 2016, 11:48 PM
I have one which looks quite similar and which is engraved with a particular date - I think it is during the American Civil War. It was given to man by a religious association of some sort in The West of Scotland and seems to have traveled quite a bit - there are papers pasted in side with addresses written on them, and the addresses, all over the world, are from the 20's, so a good 60 or so years after the box was originally given.

My box has very serious cracks in the wood of both top and bottom and I have spent a great deal of thought deciding what, if anything to do about them - I think that will end with a very thin piece of luan pasted on the bottom and covered with the traditional felt but in doing nothing to the top unless at some point I both find and can afford a person who actually does historical restoration work to restore it for me - they probably wouldn't close up the crack, either.

Some other day, once I have got enough information on my great grandfather (currently more elusive than the Scarlet Pimpernel) to trace his family in Scotland, I'll pay up on all the right sites to do that and research not only this fellow whose box it was but the other people whose addresses are in there, and that ought to be incredibly interesting...

Frankly, the box looks to me to be in good condition - if it is, and if it were me, and I had the money, I'd go for it. But then, I do love writing slopes...

April 11th, 2016, 12:37 PM
I haven't been back (thought we would have at the weekend). Next opportunity likely to be next weekend. I wonder if it will be still there... My mother said she'd give me the money for it for my birthday, if I wanted it!

April 11th, 2016, 04:06 PM
Nice looking grain on the outside and also the inside.

April 16th, 2016, 12:51 PM
It is still there in the shop. The lock does work and there are 2 keys. However, when I looked inside, there was a big chip of wood loose inside, not sure from where. Also, there were a couple more dents on the lid from having something plonked on it since my last visit. Decided against buying.

April 16th, 2016, 01:34 PM
I am very sorry to hear that you have decided not to purchase this writing slope.
There are many slopes on auction sites around the UK if you would like some help finding one then please let me know I would be happy to help.