February 16th, 2017, 07:18 PM
** When you've sold or withdrawn your item, this is how you mark your listing SOLD:

(The alternative method: Edit Post - then in the upper left corner, change your Prefix to SOLD.)

To help Tapatalk users, first edit your original post by typing SOLD as the first word before following the above instructions.

** Please do not allow your Inbox to fill to the maximum and thereby block incoming messages between potential buyers and sellers.

** Please do not post "PM sent" in threads.

Here is Zhivago's post from the old thread where he makes a valid point about posting "pm sent" in For Sale threads:

...if you are going to do that, you really should be ready to buy the item or close to it. Recently, I've been contacted by pm senters who only had a question about the item or had a trade to propose...and in each case they didn't end up buying them. As we know, not everyone is aware of the red 'sold' thingy this thread is dedicated to, so seeing 'pm sent' could easily throw someone off as to the availability of an item. ...be ready to send money before you post your 'pm sent.'

**Please do not post commentary* in fellow members' For Sale listings.

If the urge to comment is overwhelming, contact the seller by private messenger, which affords him the opportunity to edit his listing, or post your comment in the relevant topical forum.

*Commentary examples: criticism of price or item; objection to listing's format or bumping; casual observations likely to foment further commentary. (A warning of fraud supported by evidence is an exception.)

**Please do not list or “bump” simultaneously more than five listings as a group in one day.

It’s unfair to fellow members’ listings being prematurely pushed down or off the front page.

August 18th, 2018, 11:26 AM

To clean up a pile of your unmarked threads of items you've sold:

- Click on [Search Forum]
- Click on [Advanced Search]
- Type in your own User Name
- From drop down menu, select [Find Threads Started by User]
- Click on [Search]

You will then have a list of all your For Sale threads, and you can mark them SOLD (see image, below).

"Why bother?" you may ask. It's the only way to indicate items are sold in the index of thread titles. Consider it a courtesy to the rest of us.

Also, here is Zhivago's post from the old thread where he makes a valid point:

I'll bump this useful thread with a slightly related point and a quibble of mine. I certainly don't object to members posting 'pm sent' in for sale threads here. However, if you are going to do that, you really should be ready to buy the item or close to it. Recently, I've been contacted by pm senters who only had a question about the item or had a trade to propose. The pens in question going to them were hardly sure things, and in each case they didn't end up buying them.

As we know, not everyone is aware of the red 'sold' thingy this thread is dedicated to, so seeing 'pm sent' could easily throw someone off as to the availability of an item. Again, this is only a quibble, not something to be angry or outraged over. But please do be ready to send money before you post your 'pm sent.' :)


August 6th, 2020, 05:56 AM
I'm using Tapatalk on my cellphone and just cannot figure out how to mark a thread as sold. Any ideas?

Sent from my SM-A102U using Tapatalk

August 6th, 2020, 07:53 AM
I'm using Tapatalk on my cellphone and just cannot figure out how to mark a thread as sold. Any ideas?

Sent from my SM-A102U using Tapatalk
Difficult because I haven't used Tapatalk since I bought my iPhone.
When you look at your For Sale or WTB thread what are the choices along the grey bar or is it not there at all?

Did you follow this instruction from Fred's first post before trying?

N.B. The Tapatalk app does not show that a thread has been marked Sold. To help Tapatalk users, first edit your original post by typing SOLD as the first word before following the above instructions.

October 8th, 2021, 12:45 AM
This needs a bump as new members aren't finding it.

October 13th, 2021, 09:37 AM
but it's sticky now.

October 13th, 2021, 09:40 AM
but it's sticky now.
Yes it is. Sadly I momentarily forgot that but hoped if it appeared as a new post some might read it.

Sketch and Doodle
September 9th, 2023, 02:45 AM
How do you "delete" the ads?

September 9th, 2023, 04:52 AM
How do you "delete" the ads?
Your initial post cannot be deleted. Choose the Edit function and edit all the text by replacing with something like "Sold" or "Withdrawn" or even "." You may delete your subsequent posts by choosing the Edit function and click on the Delete box. You may also edit your subject line, but you only have a few minutes after the initial post was created or the edited version will not change the subject that appears in the topic list. Be sure to mark it SOLD as described above, which closes the thread.