View Full Version : What Ink Would Choose to be the Ink of the Year

December 21st, 2017, 11:00 AM
Curious to what you would choose to be the ink color of 2017.

December 21st, 2017, 02:31 PM
... just a specific color or a specific product?
(since I am no longer six years old, I don't have a favorite color...)
The product that really stood out for me this year is the Platinum "Classic" series. And I applaud Anderson Pens in Appleton for making so many Japanese Inks (Kobe, Bungubox, Kyoto TAG) and other exotica available. But a single ink? It would take a rather simplistic approach to chose that from the many hundreds (perhaps rather thousands) of inks available and I'd guess at least fifty to a hundred new releases this year!