View Full Version : I gave her...INKY FINGERS!!! :grin:

April 13th, 2021, 09:19 AM
Leaving the dentists office, I received the charge receipt for the one procedure not covered by my insurance.
So hearing that telltale electronic printing grind of the machine, I readied my Opus-88 demo loaded with my freshly acquired "Montblanc - Irish Green" ink and prepared to sign on the dotted line.
As I did so, the phone rang and the front desk operator attended to it while blindly sliding me the charge receipt for signature.
I proudly signed, swashed and swiped my signature...using the entire line and in the back of my mind I thought "Wow...this ink is a lot wetter than the "Shin-Ryoku & Perle Noir" mix I'd been using while waiting for the "Irish Green"...it's just going down HEAVY!!

The front desk operator reached for the signed receipt without really looking as I slid it over to her and placed her index finger right on the end of the signature line. I watched in slow motion as she noticed a particularly different feeling and looked down at the signed receipt while talking with the customer on the other end of the phone...noticing that the soft formerly peach skin of her index finger was now the lovely shade of green that only "Montblanc - Irish Green" can impart.

She reached for a napkin after shaking loose the charge receipt and I turned to walk away, donning my sunglasses Ala "Horatio Caine" of CSI Miami.


It's gonna be a good day...

April 13th, 2021, 09:28 AM

Thumb's up!

April 13th, 2021, 01:35 PM
If they hand me a ballpoint along with the receipt, I usually just sign with that rather than taking out whatever fountain pen I happen to be carrying. If I do use a fountain pen, I think that most of the inks I use are a bit quicker drying than that.

Still, on a lot of receipt paper, I don't know. And even with the paper in, say, my journal, there's a dangerous ten seconds or so when it's best not to touch it.

April 14th, 2021, 08:36 PM
"now she's green with envy" ... *dons sunglasses* ... **explosion**

Jon Szanto
April 14th, 2021, 09:09 PM
What did she do to you to deserve that?

April 14th, 2021, 09:51 PM
"now she's green with envy" ... *dons sunglasses* ... **explosion**


Jon Szanto
April 14th, 2021, 09:54 PM
https://th.bing.com/th/id/R517a9e971b810483c959db07485ac1dc?rik=fLEy0IvvbrAc UA&riu=http%3a%2f%2fww1.prweb.com%2fprfiles%2f2013%2f 10%2f21%2f11251520%2fvina3.jpg&ehk=02isl5qwd9kekQgf4dNCELB%2feDMEaoLMM4%2bTZbKidO U%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw

April 14th, 2021, 10:03 PM
What did she do to you to deserve that?

Well...since you asked...(cover your eyes and ears)

She sent me a notice, 1 week before my appointment, that there would be a $35 fee if I rescheduled less than 24 hours before the agreed upon appointment. So I called the office and told her over the phone that I had every intention of making my appointment as long as Jesus didn't return that morning and begin the rapture.
Fast forward a week....
The very evening before my appointment the next day, I get a phonecall from the dentist office....it's her telling me that they are moving my appointment to another day. I say to her "Whoa whoa whoa...no the hell you're not! I cleared my schedule to make this appointment happen and you haven't even provided me with my $35 fee!"
She says..."What? What $35 fee, we do not owe you anything sir."
I told her "If you expect me to pay you $35 for a less-than-24hr-reschedule/cancellation fee...then you sure as $#!+ better pay up as well for attempting to screw up my appointment. I don't give a good go@@amn who else you think you have lined up, but my appointment is set and I will be there."
I hung up and went about my evening and showed up the next morning 15 minutes early for my appointment as per normal. She gave me a cold response but as long as she does her job, I have no reason for retribution.
They received me, I filled out the forms and was ushered to the rear for my scheduled cleaning at the scheduled time.
Everything went well with a good report and a parting shot of Montblanc - Irish Green to remember me by....



*Cue intro music*

April 15th, 2021, 04:39 AM
Lovely story, Detman.

What goes around comes around.

April 15th, 2021, 05:13 AM
https://th.bing.com/th/id/R517a9e971b810483c959db07485ac1dc?rik=fLEy0IvvbrAc UA&riu=http%3a%2f%2fww1.prweb.com%2fprfiles%2f2013%2f 10%2f21%2f11251520%2fvina3.jpg&ehk=02isl5qwd9kekQgf4dNCELB%2feDMEaoLMM4%2bTZbKidO U%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw

If Lynda Carter and Kermit had a daughter.

April 15th, 2021, 05:38 AM
Lovely story, Detman.

What goes around comes around.Indeed it does.
Companies love issuing fees...but can't fathom the thought of being subjected to their own rules.

Sent from my LG-M210 using Tapatalk

April 15th, 2021, 08:01 PM
Detman, when next you return, if she asks you what that green stuff was, just tell her, "It's Aldebaran Whisky."

April 15th, 2021, 08:07 PM
Detman, when next you return, if she asks you what that green stuff was, just tell her, "It's Aldebaran Whisky."

Hahhahahahahaha...I certainly will!
And if she's a Star Trek fan I'll have gotten some positive points to even out this wacky start!

Chuck Naill
April 16th, 2021, 08:18 AM
The title made me think perhaps you spilled ink somewhere on your privates. :focus:

April 16th, 2021, 10:06 AM
The title made me think perhaps you spilled ink somewhere on your privates. :focus:

Hhahahahaa....that gives rise to a new term...

"The Inky Finger"


April 18th, 2021, 11:32 AM
What did she do to you to deserve that?

Well...since you asked...(cover your eyes and ears)

She sent me a notice, 1 week before my appointment, that there would be a $35 fee if I rescheduled less than 24 hours before the agreed upon appointment. So I called the office and told her over the phone that I had every intention of making my appointment as long as Jesus didn't return that morning and begin the rapture.
Fast forward a week....
The very evening before my appointment the next day, I get a phonecall from the dentist office....it's her telling me that they are moving my appointment to another day. I say to her "Whoa whoa whoa...no the hell you're not! I cleared my schedule to make this appointment happen and you haven't even provided me with my $35 fee!"
She says..."What? What $35 fee, we do not owe you anything sir."
I told her "If you expect me to pay you $35 for a less-than-24hr-reschedule/cancellation fee...then you sure as $#!+ better pay up as well for attempting to screw up my appointment. I don't give a good go@@amn who else you think you have lined up, but my appointment is set and I will be there."
I hung up and went about my evening and showed up the next morning 15 minutes early for my appointment as per normal. She gave me a cold response but as long as she does her job, I have no reason for retribution.
They received me, I filled out the forms and was ushered to the rear for my scheduled cleaning at the scheduled time.
Everything went well with a good report and a parting shot of Montblanc - Irish Green to remember me by....



*Cue intro music*

Good for you. Doctors....SMH. They think their time is more important than everyone else’s. (Not all doctors, of course, but too many!)

April 25th, 2021, 09:11 AM
Love your story Detman!