View Full Version : Miracle in Japan (COVID Youtube link)

November 23rd, 2021, 08:22 PM
Yep, a YouTube link. Don't watch if you don't want, but this one is really interesting.

Japan experienced a surge of Delta, and now they have nearly no cases.

Lots of things could have led to the drop:

- Ivermectin approved for use (12 days later, case rate plummeted)
- Japanese geneticists discovered the virus' error correcting protein (NSP14) that checks replication has mutated (mutation A394V), causing replication error - causing a "self-extinction" problem for the virus.
- More people in Asia (and Japan is not particularly genetically diverse) have an enzyme (APOBEC3A) that attacks RNA viruses.
- Mutation A394V has been found in 24 other countries (a good thing, presumably).

Most interestingly, and something I didn't know; SARS-1 is now extinct (doesn't even exist in a lab), and disappeared in 2003.

Worth 17 minutes of your time, IMHO.


Chuck Naill
November 24th, 2021, 06:22 AM
Apparently a person posted Japan dumped their vaccine program for ivermectin on 10/27 which is now debunked.


November 24th, 2021, 07:05 AM
No one in the video made that claim. Introducing a "debunked" claim in an attempt to "debunk" the video is a strawman.

Ivermectin was added to a treatment regimen, and may be one of several factors for their quick recovery from the Delta wave. I listed the others, for those whose attention span or time management prevents them from making it through a 17 minute video. Japan has a high vaccination rate (slightly over 76%), and is scheduling country-wide boosters for December.

I watched the video while on my rowing machine last night. 15 minutes of hard rowing with 2 minutes of cooldown, all while listening to an educated person discuss data from Johns Hopkins and other medical sources. Behold the power of multitasking.

Chuck Naill
November 24th, 2021, 08:22 AM
Yes, just added the link and not to dismiss your video . I tried to watch, but just the sort of presentation I don’t gravitate toward. Vaccines are approved, but not ivermectin. Everyone has to decide.