View Full Version : Colorado friends take care!

December 30th, 2021, 07:50 PM
in Louisville and Superior and anywhere else those terrible fires spread!

January 1st, 2022, 01:41 PM
We live in Wyoming just north of the border and the winds have been crazy. Fortunately, we got a snowfall so the fire danger is zero.

I fought wildfires for 15 years with the US Forest Service. With extreme winds, the rate of spread in light cover (dry grass, brush, shrubs) is faster than you can run. Fires in big timber look scary but are more predictable.

March 29th, 2022, 10:54 PM
There was another wildfire in light cover and brush near Boulder, much smaller. But the early fires in Texas are warning signs for more of this type of incident.

Given increasingly arid conditions, high temps, and unprecedented winds, the scattered brush and cured annual grass found between subdivisions is a fire hazard. Where people live, there are also more potential sources of ignition: kids playing with fireworks or matches, people burning yard waste, mower blades striking sparks off rocks, target shooting, auto accidents, electrical malfunctions.

There are quite a few references online to reducing your risk of fire.