I have recently refurbished a Parker Vacumatic which I believe to be a Debutante, with a speedline filler. As it has a personalisation, and has at some stage been fitted with a #10 nib from a 1950s English Duofold Junior, I've been using it rather than storing it.
The problem is that when I uncap it, there is a lot of ink around the section even though it has only been carried upright in my short pocket. The ink never leaks out of the cap.
The vent holes are clear. The inner cap is undamaged. The section has been minutely examined for cracks. I have used a rosin/castor oil sealant for the section threads and the vacumatic filler works fine. The breather tube is unblocked. I haven't knocked out the nib/feed.
I am at a loss. My knowledge of these pens is sketchy at best, so I'm hoping someone will spot something anomalous, or suggest a reason for the leakage.