Originally Posted by
Chuck Naill
I didn’t think I would have used muddy, but I’m not surprised you’d try to invent something that doesn’t exist.
You keep repeating that I don’t believe this or that. I do not share your definitions and how you interpret otherwise clear sentences into something that fits your eschatology and Zionists views.
The theories of a period of tribulation are many. I haven’t given it much consideration. It’s not that I’m disinterested, but it doesn’t affect understanding of the message Jesus presented. Also, I am unable to take the passages used to present a pre or post trib view and come to a conclusion that objectively verified. If there was clarity, there would be only one theory.
If you think Jesus had more than a few messages, I’m not here to dissuade.
“Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. 18 And I tell you that you are Peter,[b] and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades[c] will not overcome it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be[d] bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be[e] loosed in heaven.” 20 Then he ordered his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah.”
Keys to the kingdom is like the keys to your front door, you have access.
Again, I used the term 'muddy' to describe your 'strange doctrine'. I'm not inventing anything. You reject the Bible as the Word of God. You reject Jesus Christ as God the Son. You reject what Paul said about the Church being unknown since the world began. Yet you promote yourself as being a follower of Jesus Christ. An 'apprentice' you say. When in actuality, you are a phony.
You say there is only one message, yet you can't answer the questions I give you about your supposedly one message. I have given proof in the Scriptures, you have given nothing. You reject the Scripture yet try and use the Scripture. And you sound so holy and spiritual to the Scripturally ignorant. Oh yes, what a man of God you must be...not. You pervert the Scripture and all that Jesus Christ has said. But, of course you have so many 'supporters' here on this forum. Which can only mean they are part of your facade.
No, you don't share my belief that the Bible is the Word of God. Which means your interpretation means nothing. To you it is nothing but the writings of man. Just as your belief is based on man, on you, not God. You want to use the Bible, yet you deny the Bible. Oxymoronic for the Oxymoron.
There is clarity in the Bible concerning the Tribulation. There is no clarity for you because you want to use the Bible for your own purpose. And the Tribulation doesn't fit what you want, so you claim 'ignorance'. Which is a true claim on your part, but you at the same time claim you understand the Bible and you don't.
What do you mean you are not here to dissuade. You have said there is only one message. I asked you questions concerning this one message. And, you can't answer. Why? Because Scripture is against you. And you now say you are not here to dissuade. The truth is you cannot dissuade and now pretend that is not your purpose. In other words...Scripture is against you and you cannot answer.
Concerning your comment on (Matt. 16)...big deal. I asked you 'how did Jesus reveal his called out ones in (Matt. 16)' which is what you claimed. So, again, please answer.