I have a French Press pot and a Bialetti Moka stovetop pot that see occasional use. My five year-old Cuisinart drip machine still gets used every day.

But my true love is a Gaggia Classic espresso machine. I've had it for just over two years now, and I can't imagine living without it. I have learned to pull a decent shot with nice crema, and am now experimenting with a naked portafilter. I use a Gaggia MDF burr grinder, but I'm thinking of switching to a doserless grinder as the Gaggia MDF's doser drives me batty (but the actual grinder itself has been consistently excellent).

I try to buy fresh-roasted beans from a local coffee shop, but when I can't get them, I use Filicori Zecchini or Lavazza beans. I have read a lot of good things about Klatch's roasts and am about to order a bag of their Belle Espresso.

photo from Whole Latte Love