Hi All,
I've been working on putting together a website on vintage Montblanc pens. Over the past few months I've tried to steal a few minutes here and there every day or so, to write up one section at a time. Its the first time I've made a website or written content that is non-academic, and so it's nothing special, really. Photos were just taken using an iPhone. So, its a super modest site, but I wanted to share some information with other enthusiasts out there. The site is much better on the desktop than phone but check it out anywhere if you have a few minutes > https://www.vintagemontblancpens.com
The website has two sections:
1. Pen reviews - I explain the history and features of my vintage MBs. I have more than 35 pen reviews up including some seriously rare pens like an MB matchstick filler, a few rare No. 12s, 45s, lever fillers, and many more. Also, there is a list of truly rare pens that are yet for feature. Look here https://www.vintagemontblancpens.com/pen-reviews-1
2. Pen talk - I post interviews with pen experts and collectors. So far I have an enlightening interview with Francis Goossens, an interview with Poul Lund (author of Montblanc in Denmark), and coming soon is a truly insightful article on the evolution of the 149 by none other than barry Gabay! You can find the interviews here https://www.vintagemontblancpens.com/pen-talk
What I am proudest about is that many vintage pen collectors have started contributing pictures of their prized pens to help us make this website as comprehensive a respository of infromation on rare and vintage MBs as possible! This is a purely non-commerical endeavour, and so if you would like to contribute pics of your pens please get in touch with me.
I will keep updating this thread everytime I post new content on the site.