I recently won an Eversharp Symphony off ebay that I grabbed because the nib tip seemed thick (the very last picture), The Symphony itself is pretty well worn.
What seemed odd was that the nib wasn't alongside the feed, but rather it was hammered into the plastic of the grip causing one corner of the nib tail to be crinkled and off set from the feed.
I knocked it out, and seems due to the damage to the grip I couldn't easily get both back in.
I noticed that the nib had an identical shape, size, thickness, and engraving to my early 1940s Wahl-Eversharp Skyline Modern Moire Brown pen, which I didn't care for the XXF in, so it was a very easy swap.
Inked it up with Waterman Mysterious Blue, and to my surprise the vintage nib is as thick on the downstroke as a Lamy Broad. It also does a smooth backside writing that is a Fine~Medium cursive leaning on crisp italic.
The quick sample shown is Tomoe River.