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Thread: A Birding Kind Of Summer

  1. #1
    Junior Member DMcCoy's Avatar
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    Default A Birding Kind Of Summer

    Good day all!

    Very happy to see a photography forum here as well as pens, two of my favourite things!

    This summer after I got a new (to me) lens in I ended up spending almost all of my free time out by the Grand River here in Kitchener Ontario photographing birds of various kinds. I had never been overly interested in birds until I got a long lens that helped me get a bit closer to them as they flew off. Ill post my summer pictures her for anyone who likes looking at some feathery wildlife!

    Today's photos are of a Great Blue Heron fledgling that I have been photographing all summer. It has been amazing watching it grow up, learning to fish, hide, stalk its dinner on the riverbank. It's migration season now and I hop that it comes back next year so I can continue to take pictures of it. Over the few dozen times I was out with it it came as close as arms length, merrily fishing around my bulky tripod before flying off to a tree or stump to preen and sleep.

    This is one of my bucket list shots. A portrait of a great blue heron.

    Here it is Preening on a tree branch after a good morning meal.

    This was taken on one of those magical lighting mornings and was the first shot I took of the fledgling, early in the summer. So Fluffy!

    And finally for today, here it is taking off from a fallen tree, to head down the river in search of tasty treats!

    Enjoy your day!

  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to DMcCoy For This Useful Post:

    azkid (October 30th, 2020), eachan (October 30th, 2020), Warren (November 5th, 2020)

  3. #2
    Junior Member
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    Default Re: A Birding Kind Of Summer

    I could use it


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