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Thread: Trump Won Two-Thirds of Election Lawsuits Where Merits Considered

  1. #81
    Senior Member Chip's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump Won Two-Thirds of Election Lawsuits Where Merits Considered

    Quote Originally Posted by dneal View Post
    No, I don’t care.
    Do you care that recent disclosures of Russian documents show that Trump was nothing more than Putin's pet pig?

    "The report – “No 32-04 \ vd” – is classified as secret. It says Trump is the “most promising candidate” from the Kremlin’s point of view. The word in Russian is perspektivny.

    There is a brief psychological assessment of Trump, who is described as an “impulsive, mentally unstable and unbalanced individual who suffers from an inferiority complex”.

    There is also apparent confirmation that the Kremlin possesses kompromat, or potentially compromising material, on the future president, collected – the document says – from Trump’s earlier 'non-official visits to Russian Federation territory'. "

  2. #82
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    Default Re: Trump Won Two-Thirds of Election Lawsuits Where Merits Considered

    Chip. This thread isn't about Russians.
    "A truth does not mind being questioned. A lie does not like being challenged."

  3. #83
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    Default Re: Trump Won Two-Thirds of Election Lawsuits Where Merits Considered

    Quote Originally Posted by dneal View Post
    This is like the 3rd time I've seen you use some "I was talking to a trumper" anecdote, like you have some special fucking litmus test that lets you sniff out the insurrectionists. You look for a little evidence confirming that someone *gasp* "supports Trump". That's all you need to know, because you know everything from reading a washed-up one-hit-wonder journalist, and a crazy niece.

    Now go read Victor Davis Hanson's "The Case for Trump". Agree with the argument or not, at least it's rational and not some bullshit gossip nonsense like the rest of your "list".

    Donald Trump is not dangerous. An asshole, certainly. Dangerous?
    I can't figure if you're blind or just plain stupid.

  4. #84
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    Default Re: Trump Won Two-Thirds of Election Lawsuits Where Merits Considered

    Quote Originally Posted by Chuck Naill View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by dneal View Post
    This is like the 3rd time I've seen you use some "I was talking to a trumper" anecdote, like you have some special fucking litmus test that lets you sniff out the insurrectionists. You look for a little evidence confirming that someone *gasp* "supports Trump". That's all you need to know, because you know everything from reading a washed-up one-hit-wonder journalist, and a crazy niece.

    Now go read Victor Davis Hanson's "The Case for Trump". Agree with the argument or not, at least it's rational and not some bullshit gossip nonsense like the rest of your "list".

    Donald Trump is not dangerous. An asshole, certainly. Dangerous?
    I can't figure if you're blind or just plain stupid.
    I always get a tickle when I make you show your true colors.

    See Chuck, you’re partisan. Just like I told Chip, partisans are unable to see the world outside of the narrative they’ve constructed. Since I’m not in your camp, I must be in the other…

    I’m not. When I browse the news, I’m just looking at the narratives people are being fed (by the left and right). There’s mainly a bunch of lefties here. You don’t know it because your partisan. Were it righties, everyone would be calling me a Trump hater because I would be pointing out how stupid their narrative was, just like I do for you.
    "A truth does not mind being questioned. A lie does not like being challenged."

  5. #85
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    Default Re: Trump Won Two-Thirds of Election Lawsuits Where Merits Considered

    Is Trump dangerous??

    Yes, he is. He is ignorant, racist, sexist, and lazy. He is more interested in his own aggrandizement than the welfare of the country. He surrounded himself with grifters, several of whom are now under criminal prosecution (Tom Barrack is the most recent). His own company and its CFO are now under criminal prosecution. He claimed that he would hire "the best" people, and he hired a string of sycophants who were underqualified for the job, or criminal, or--if they had some spine--all ended up standing up to him when they had had enough and then he fired them. It is "dangerous" to the country to have a leader who hires so poorly.

    Trump in power was "dangerous" to every minority or immigrant who became targeted after Trump's tweets and policies stoked more racial tension in the country. The white supremacist leader (I can't now remember which one) was giddy in his happiness after Trump said that "good people on both sides" remark. Trump's tweets were like loose canons: he would just fire away with no care for where the projectiles landed.

    Other than funding Operation Warp Speed, Trump's comments around the Corona virus pandemic were "dangerous" to millions of Americans. He made racist remarks against China, further stoking those tensions in our country (which is a "dangerous" thing to do), and he intentionally played down the severity of the disease when, we have since found out, he privately understood just how deadly this virus is. Yeah, that's "dangerous," dneal. In leadership, this is akin to murder. He fucking lied to the public. Yeah, in a pandemic, with so many gullible citizens, the integrity of leadership has a lot of influence and impact. And Trump lied right to all of our faces. He even said that ingesting bleach might help clear the body and lungs. Yeah, that's "dangerous" in presidential leadership in a crisis.

    Trump was also "dangerous" to all the women whom he assaulted over the years. Yes, he has not been criminally convicted of this, but we all know that it is true. So many men have assaulted women, and Trump fits the exact profile of a criminal repeated predatory assailant. He even confessed to the crimes on the Access Hollywood tape.

    Finally, January 6 reveals this man's "dangerous" influence. I won't bother listing all the offences and charges and deaths and assaults that resulted from this mayhem that he helped stoke. To not see (or dismiss) the "danger" of that event is to be rationally and weirdly blind. And the whole thing was for Donald T Trump and his strategy of lying about the 2020 election. All of his lies and baseless accusations and frivolous lawsuits (so many dismissed out of hand for lack of credible or relevant evidence) are also "dangerous" to democracy because they needlessly create suspicion, fear, uncertainty and instability over our election process--which actually has very little fraud and deceit in it. Each state has a thorough vetting and review process, and errors of any magnitude (not even over a few hundred in the final tally) are RARE. And votes, it turns out, are even more rarely double counted. Trump and his cohort stoked lies to undermine national confidence in an election system in the greatest country in the world simply because he lost (prior to Nov 4, Trump said that he would accept the results if he won, but would not accept the results if he lost. This is all you need to hear about his integrity to know how "dangerous" he is as the leader of America). Trump has succeeded, according to the polls, in creating doubt--at least among Republicans--in the accuracy of our election results. This likely means additional stress, uncertainty, fear, and mistrust around elections--all of which contribute to instability. And instability is "dangerous" -- it is anathema--to democracy.

    An asshole, certainly. Dangerous?
    Another dismissive remark. Assholes abound by the millions. Trump is one in a million, and far worse.

    Chuck calls you a Trumper not because he knows how you voted, but because you repeatedly dismiss the arguments against the man's character, policies, actions, legacy, and the 2020 election. You dismiss the arguments against Trump as "woke" nonsense and "koolaid" drinking. That Trump is a serial prevaricator with serious character flaws is widely known. And yes, to have such a person as president is "dangerous," in the same way that they are "dangerous" as a boss, a husband, a father, or even as a friend. They eventually fuck up, royally, and destroy things and hurt people. As a president, the potential "danger" is multiplied by the millions. People of good character and intelligence and conscience, surrounded by other people of good character and intelligence and conscience, fuck up less.

    Trump was, and continues to be, "dangerous."

  6. #86
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    Default Re: Trump Won Two-Thirds of Election Lawsuits Where Merits Considered

    Take your next to last sentence, substitute "Biden" for "Trump."
    Mirror image, huh?

  7. #87
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    Sorry: next to last paragraph.

  8. #88
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    Default Re: Trump Won Two-Thirds of Election Lawsuits Where Merits Considered

    The topic here has been Donald Trump and whether he is "dangerous." Chuck and I and Chip say yes, very much so. Chip and I gave reasons. dneal says no (but no follow up or reason). You say "what about Biden."

    I actually don't expect more out of either of you two. Shrug.

  9. #89
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    Default Re: Trump Won Two-Thirds of Election Lawsuits Where Merits Considered

    Quote Originally Posted by TSherbs View Post
    The topic here has been Donald Trump and whether he is "dangerous." Chuck and I and Chip say yes, very much so. Chip and I gave reasons. dneal says no (but no follow up or reason). You say "what about Biden."

    I actually don't expect more out of either of you two. Shrug.
    Take a look at your post again. Now look directly above it, at the bold text that starts with "Re:". So no, the topic has not been whether Donald Trump is "dangerous" or not. Dear god you people live in an alternate universe. I know you can change your positions with the wind, but the topic is perfectly clear yet you believe it is something which it clearly and demonstrably is not. Pretty much sums up every "conversation" with you.
    "A truth does not mind being questioned. A lie does not like being challenged."

  10. #90
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    Default Re: Trump Won Two-Thirds of Election Lawsuits Where Merits Considered

    I asked for a link or citation or some real-world proof that the assertion made in the title has the slightest shred of truth. And so far, nothing but bluster, bad breath, and foam. In legal proceedings, there's a general insistence on facts and proof.

    So far, you're doing the same as Trump's team of clowns, pulling random numbers out of their arses and expecting their paranoid rants will convince a judge.

  11. #91
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    dneal, I quoted *your* claim that Trump wasn't dangerous. You wrote it, dufus. Don't whine to me about changing topics. You stated twice in that post that Trump wasn't dangerous. Put yourself in a timeout for straying off topic if you're out to scold someone.

    You also trumpeted to Chuck that you weren't a Trump supporter, so I explained how you come of as one despite whatever lever you might pull on election day (I don't trust your comments about that, by the way, at all). But whatever. You make these pronouncements, someone responds, and then you bitch about getting off topic. The topic, sometimes, is whatever claim you happen to write.

    I'll take this dodge as a concession to my points about Trump's dangerousness.

  12. #92
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    Default Re: Trump Won Two-Thirds of Election Lawsuits Where Merits Considered

    Quote Originally Posted by Chip View Post

    So far, you're doing the same as Trump's team of clowns, pulling random numbers out of their arses and expecting their paranoid rants will convince a judge.
    But he isn't 'partisan." 😁

    Actually, dneal once admitted that he had a predilection for conspiracy theories. He didn't explain "why" he had this, and has not commented further on his bias for them. He may have said that they were "fun," now that I think about it. I'm not sure.

  13. #93
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    Default Re: Trump Won Two-Thirds of Election Lawsuits Where Merits Considered

    Quote Originally Posted by Chip View Post
    I asked for a link or citation or some real-world proof that the assertion made in the title has the slightest shred of truth. And so far, nothing but bluster, bad breath, and foam. In legal proceedings, there's a general insistence on facts and proof.

    So far, you're doing the same as Trump's team of clowns, pulling random numbers out of their arses and expecting their paranoid rants will convince a judge.
    What your request indicated to me was that you do not have the context. It’s actually in this thread, explicitly stated. So you haven’t even bothered to read the whole thread, but I owe you something. Sorry buddy, but that’s the bad breath and bluster if there is any about.
    "A truth does not mind being questioned. A lie does not like being challenged."

  14. #94
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    Default Re: Trump Won Two-Thirds of Election Lawsuits Where Merits Considered

    Quote Originally Posted by TSherbs View Post
    dneal, I quoted *your* claim that Trump wasn't dangerous. You wrote it, dufus. Don't whine to me about changing topics. You stated twice in that post that Trump wasn't dangerous. Put yourself in a timeout for straying off topic if you're out to scold someone.

    You also trumpeted to Chuck that you weren't a Trump supporter, so I explained how you come of as one despite whatever lever you might pull on election day (I don't trust your comments about that, by the way, at all). But whatever. You make these pronouncements, someone responds, and then you bitch about getting off topic. The topic, sometimes, is whatever claim you happen to write.

    I'll take this dodge as a concession to my points about Trump's dangerousness.
    So prove to me he's dangerous. I'm not going to prove to you he's not. I don't bother trying to prove negatives for English majors that didn't study logic. An assertion was made. A, if you will. I don't see it, and said not-A. Now we have a simple logical disjunction of A or not-A. Prove A. I don't care and me not proving not-A doesn't equal A. I'm sure you understand nothing of that, but anyway...

    Your ranting recitation of liberal talking points isn't proof. A NYT opinion piece isn't proof. You're simply wasting my time.

    I'm not a Trump supporter, yours and others protests notwithstanding. Again, partisans can't comprehend nonpartisans. I'm not surprised.

    Quote Originally Posted by TSherbs View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Chip View Post

    So far, you're doing the same as Trump's team of clowns, pulling random numbers out of their arses and expecting their paranoid rants will convince a judge.
    But he isn't 'partisan." 😁

    Actually, dneal once admitted that he had a predilection for conspiracy theories. He didn't explain "why" he had this, and has not commented further on his bias for them. He may have said that they were "fun," now that I think about it. I'm not sure.
    I enjoy conspiracy theories. They can be exercises in cleverness and inventiveness. That doesn't mean I believe them.

    p.s. for Chip: Feel free to try to prove the assertions you've made. You seem to me to be another internet hyena. Maybe I'm wrong.
    "A truth does not mind being questioned. A lie does not like being challenged."

  15. #95
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    Default Re: Trump Won Two-Thirds of Election Lawsuits Where Merits Considered

    Quote Originally Posted by dneal View Post
    So prove to me he's dangerous. I'm not going to prove to you he's not.
    I wrote out five reasons. You have not yet addressed a single one of them. In the rules of debate, if you simply refuse to respond, you lose.

    Your ranting recitation of liberal talking points isn't proof. A NYT opinion piece isn't proof. You're simply wasting my time.
    Go away then. I couldn't care if you never post here again.

    I enjoy conspiracy theories. They can be exercises in cleverness and inventiveness.
    So, this is one big jerk-off for you? You don't actually believe any of the stuff you write here, and get off on being an irritating troll? Conspiracy theories are inevitably based on assumptions without proof or basis. What can be "clever" about that, since you seem to be such a champion of "logic"?

    So far you have basically asserted nothing except the "hypocrisy" of the left (a weak point, really, and not relevant to conspiracy theories). Well, I suppose that you once also said something like "Joe Biden is old".

    And that is all you got, apparently.
    Last edited by TSherbs; July 24th, 2021 at 06:06 PM.

  16. #96
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    Default Re: Trump Won Two-Thirds of Election Lawsuits Where Merits Considered

    Quote Originally Posted by TSherbs View Post
    I wrote out five reasons. You have not yet addressed a single one of them. In the rules of debate, in case you need some educating, if you simply refuse to respond, you lose.

    You do love to change the rules, don't you. If I don't address them, I lose. Did you address my points? Of course not. That's ok, it's what I expect from you.

    Frankly, your points are stupid. The first thing you come up with is "he is ignorant, racist, sexist and lazy"? You want me to seriously consider your ad hominem a valid demonstration that he's "dangerous"? I'll bear with your narrative for a bit longer though, out of courtesy. He targeted every minority and immigrant? Last I checked he set a record for black employment. What was that meeting with those HBCU's? If you can't see that your "arguments" are silly narratives you have bought into, I don't know what to tell you. You're Mike Lindell levels of loon, just blue instead of red (or orange).

    Your ranting recitation of liberal talking points isn't proof. A NYT opinion piece isn't proof. You're simply wasting my time.
    Go away then. I couldn't care if you never post here again.

    You, welch, and your "go away" shit. What kind of idiot are you? Why would I do or not do because of one poster? Holy shit your sense of self-importance needs some adjustment.

    I enjoy conspiracy theories. They can be exercises in cleverness and inventiveness.
    So, this is one big jerk-off for you? You don't actually believe any of the stuff you write here, and get off on being an irritating troll? Conspiracy theories are inevitably based on assumptions without proof or basis. What can be "clever" about that, since you seem to be such a champion of "logic"?

    I love it when you demonstrate your ignorance, and you have no idea what I mean. Google things like "logical dilemma" and "paradox" for a hint of why a "champion of logic" can appreciate a good conspiracy theory (good ones present good dilemmas and the great ones lean toward paradox).

    So far you have basically asserted nothing except the "hypocrisy" of the left (a weak point, really, and not relevant to conspiracy theories). Well, I suppose that you once also said something like "Joe Biden is old".

    And that is all you got, apparently.
    No, it's just all the effort you guys are worth exerting. You are people I have never met on the internet. You seem like a smug dick to me. Fine, I'll interact accordingly. Right now it's just stop by and see if you and the others are over your TDS. You're not, which is why you're the one who keeps posting to a thread always intended sarcastically. Basically you're just a partisan hypocrite who parrots partisan news sources. You demonstrate it repeatedly. I have read everything you're going to say, days before you post it. This isn't the only part of the internet I visit. You're a dime a dozen. Eric Weinstein's "internet hyenas". So before you point that "irritating troll" finger, check your troll privilege....
    "A truth does not mind being questioned. A lie does not like being challenged."

  17. #97
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    Default Re: Trump Won Two-Thirds of Election Lawsuits Where Merits Considered

    Quote Originally Posted by TSherbs View Post
    The topic here has been Donald Trump and whether he is "dangerous." Chuck and I and Chip say yes, very much so. Chip and I gave reasons. dneal says no (but no follow up or reason). You say "what about Biden."

    I actually don't expect more out of either of you two. Shrug.

    Your reading comprehension needs a brush up. Stay with me here: I actually said Biden is the same guy. Except with rapidly deteriorating dementia.

  18. #98
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    Default Re: Trump Won Two-Thirds of Election Lawsuits Where Merits Considered

    Dude! The tinfoil hat's not working.

    I recommend cast-iron.

  19. #99
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    Default Re: Trump Won Two-Thirds of Election Lawsuits Where Merits Considered

    Do you have a monopoly on that hat?

  20. #100
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    Default Re: Trump Won Two-Thirds of Election Lawsuits Where Merits Considered

    Cool-your personal echo chamber!

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