January 3rd, 2022, 12:08 PM
3x5 postcards, unused
SNAGGED! FREE FOR POSTAGE to any USPS address: 3 inch/8cm stack of unused 3x5 picture postcards. 35 cards = 1cm and I stopped counting. Mostly USA, some elsewhere. Tourist scenes, hotels, capitols, presidents, flowers, interiors, churches, universities, landscapes, historic and modern buildings, the gamut. Bonus: includes B&W cards of the infamous Camp Nelson up in Ontario. If you are a Postcrosser or just want to drop people a line for a 40¢ stamp instead of 58¢, these will keep you in cards for quite a while. A small flat rate $8.45 Priority box is literally stuffed full. (Other postal categories for a 1lb. 14oz. padded envelope are higher.)
Antiques dealers typically mark them for sale at $1 each. I think they're nuts but some people must be buying.
First PM that reads Gimme those postcards with mailing address and email address holds them pending prompt reimbursement of postage. Yer too late!
Last edited by FredRydr; January 3rd, 2022 at 12:48 PM.
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