I tried using the search function, but can't seem to find any mention of this particular ink on this forum. I've been wanting to try it, but the cheapest I've been able to find it for has been $44.50 for 30 ml on jetpens.com. I've actually found it on eBay for up to $75 plus $25 shipping from Japan.
According to a couple of online accounts, it's supposed to be somewhat like, or inspired by, or an homage to the now unobtainium variant yclept Parker Penman Sapphire Blue. I recently encountered some of the latter in the wild, in the form of words laid down on paper. It was, perhaps, the most electrifying blue I'd ever seen, probably even higher voltage than BSB, which I've had my innings with, and consequently now cower in fear whenever I even think about it.
If Bungubox First Love Blue is a genuine, electrifying, knock-yer-eyeballs out ink, but well-behaved and not destructive of pens, pen cases, clothing, furniture or structural elements of one's dwelling place, I think that would probably justify the obscenely high price they're asking for it. I'd have to skip meals for a few days, but it would be a worthwhile sacrifice. Before I try anything that drastic, however, I'd like to know if anyone on this forum has tried it, and can tell me anything about the experience. If it's just a very pretty blue, I have Blue Velvet and Kon-Peki and a few others as well, and can save myself the expense.
Thank you!