catbert (September 1st, 2022), Chrissy (September 1st, 2022), Cyril (October 31st, 2022), INeedAFinancialAdvisor (September 1st, 2022), Yazeh (September 1st, 2022)
size matters...
catbert (September 3rd, 2022), Chrissy (September 4th, 2022), Cyril (October 31st, 2022), INeedAFinancialAdvisor (September 3rd, 2022), Yazeh (September 12th, 2022)
very well kept transparency of an AURORA 88Ps inkwindow.
catbert (September 8th, 2022), Chrissy (September 12th, 2022), Cyril (October 31st, 2022), INeedAFinancialAdvisor (September 8th, 2022), Yazeh (September 12th, 2022)
I just upgraded my LAMY Aion with a broad, jucy and soft 14 carats nib from a LAMY Accent
...did I already mention that I am a huge fan of Jasper Morrisons work?
And I found another background for the LAMY Safari Lime Green
not exactly the same color, but a good match as I think.
Last edited by christof; September 11th, 2022 at 10:48 AM.
amk (November 5th, 2022), catbert (September 11th, 2022), Chrissy (September 12th, 2022), Cyril (October 31st, 2022), INeedAFinancialAdvisor (September 11th, 2022), Sailor Kenshin (September 26th, 2022), Yazeh (September 12th, 2022)
amk (November 5th, 2022), Bisquitlips (November 15th, 2022), catbert (September 25th, 2022), Chrissy (October 2nd, 2022), Cyril (October 31st, 2022), forester (September 26th, 2022), INeedAFinancialAdvisor (September 25th, 2022), Yazeh (September 25th, 2022)
amk (October 2nd, 2022), Bisquitlips (November 15th, 2022), carlos.q (October 2nd, 2022), catbert (September 26th, 2022), Chrissy (October 2nd, 2022), Cyril (October 31st, 2022), INeedAFinancialAdvisor (September 26th, 2022)
Wow I realy love those green color pencil just love it
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Colour palettes.
Bisquitlips (November 15th, 2022), catbert (October 8th, 2022), Chrissy (October 8th, 2022), Cyril (October 31st, 2022), Deb (October 8th, 2022), INeedAFinancialAdvisor (October 8th, 2022)
I love this logo!
Lovely series of Pen Photos @ Chris!!!! Well composed still photos !!!
I love how you conceptualised all the pens to tell a different story all the time in many aspect in details, time, quality or colour. Well done and thank you for sharing your knowledge!!!!
not a new one, but one of my favourite pictures.
this vintage Pelikan 100 D-nib is amazing. It looks and writes exatly like Pilots PO-nibs.
catbert (November 6th, 2022), Chrissy (November 5th, 2022), Cyril (December 1st, 2022), INeedAFinancialAdvisor (November 9th, 2022), Yazeh (November 5th, 2022)
The PERFECT cork seal!
catbert (November 9th, 2022), INeedAFinancialAdvisor (November 9th, 2022), Yazeh (November 9th, 2022)