Hi all,
I can't stop making pens for my pleasure and my personal collection !
Attached some pictures of two new oversize GF piston fillers , a demonstrator in 田ast" yellow acrylic and a black "hard rubber" version.
Both pens are equipped with screw-in Bock size 8 nib units ( in which I provided a radial anti-rotation key between the feed and the nib housing)
Note the cap mounts and posts on the barrel secured with a slip fit O ring, mounted inside the cap.
I致e used this new capping approach for the Conid Minimalistica fountain pens 5 years ago, and although some buyers felt uncomfortable in first instance ,after optimizing the O ring pretension we never received any complaints.
All parts - except nib & feed - are made in my shop.
My Minimalistica - which was for 2 years my daily writer- still caps and posts as on its first day, so I知 fully confident with this posting alternative.
Benefit being one obtains a fluent shaped sleek barrel, and capping/ posting occurs using a light combined screwing and pushing/pulling movement .
As always our comments and critique are most welcome !
Best regards,
kitsune miniatures