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This is all from memory but as I recall we had a six inch space between the margins and worked on the basis that a six letter word was one inch and that the space between each word was two letters, that allowed you to +1 or -1 to adjust the length of the line. Planning ahead was essential and knowing what you intended to write, not easy in dictation.
It was acceptable to break a long word at the end of the line in order to justify the right hand edge but never anything less than a six letter word.
We removed the right hand pencilled margin with an eraser at the end of the page.
It was quite an art and largely forgotten about.
This was also a time when the form teacher's preference came into play, for example ours did not like a lower case z being a reduced height Z but preferred something that looked like a 3 but below the line, the word jazzy for example looks much better.