Nice summation of a solid pen, dneal. I have a similar model to these Nautilaus pens, one that I believe may have been a limited edition for their anniversary. It was called the Narwhal (then) 365 Cano Cristales, and was made from Jonathon Brooks "Primary Manipulation" material. The basic design is the same, with the biggest difference being no portholes but an ink window near the end of the barrel; it is visible just below the end of the cap (photo below is not mine but from a site). I did replace the nib with a preferred one but the pen functions and writes well, holding a good supply of ink.
If I'm honest, though, it just doesn't have the same... uh,
hand feel for me, which is very subjective, and not a detraction on the pen. As such, I tend to not go for it as often.
However, a pen they put out either a year or two years before, on another anniversary, was the Narwhal Schuylkill 365 in ebonite. I absolutely
love this pen, as the balance, unposted, is perfect for my hand, with the hard rubber giving just another ounce or two to the pen. Again, an ink window is a nice feature, the pen is well-crafted and - for whatever reason (perfect match on section/inner cap?) this sucker virtually never dries out, no matter how long between writing sessions. Again, I oped for a nib swap, using an old Sheaffer Lifetime nib. I've actually kept my eyes out for a 2nd one of these but they are hard to find. The one below is mine.