It's Labor Day weekend here in the US; the traditional "unofficial end of summer" where we like to celebrate with barbecues and lots of beverages. And that means that Mystery Ink is now open to FPG veterans, n00bs, newbies, and lurkers. You volunteer, I send free ink, you write with it and post your thoughts and observations. Guessing is welcome, but not required. There is nothing to "win" aside from perhaps personal satisfaction that you recognized it.
No guess is confirmed until the Mystery ink is finally revealed. The point of the mystery ink threads is an unbiased review. Fear not about the quality of your handwriting or sketching abilities. We don't care. We are all appreciative of those with the gift of artistic ability, but how well you draw or write doesn't impact your ability to test an ink and provide your opinion on it.
I will act as the Procurer, Packer, and Post Office Porter. This ink flight will consist of 1 packet containing 3 inks, each vial filled with 3mls of Mystery Ink labeled MI-54, MI-55, and MI-56. There will be 8 packets available, and thanks to DrPenfection, 3 of the packets will be for overseas participants. If you are international, please let me know. If there are more sign-ups for overseas participants than slots, then I will run a Random Number Generator to pick. As per past tradition, if you are brand new to Mystery Ink you will have a Priority Spot!
The inks in this ink flight are dye based, not pigmented, no shimmer and not iron gall. I don’t use any of the Noodler’s Bay State inks, so there won’t be any in the ink flights I send out.
Post below if you would like to volunteer to receive a free ink flight. I will leave this open until 12 Noon PDT Friday 08 September [ 2000hrs GMT ].
Note: Packets sent to the UK generally arrive within 8 working days. To the EU it may take much longer.
Covid-19 Precautions -- Covid cases are increasing rapidly here in California and other parts of the United States. I am now fully inoculated and boosted ( 4 shots ), but for everyone's safety ink samples will be prepared using an N-95 face mask and gloves. Ink Packets will be put together with an N-95 face mask and freshly washed hands. ( Sorry, but it's impossible to use sticky tape with gloves on... )
Also, NEW sample vials from Gouletpens, so hopefully no leaks this round...
Until then, please stay Safe and Healthy!
All the Best.