Barry B. Gabay (October 15th, 2023), Jon Szanto (October 12th, 2023)
I'll have a table there and hope any FPG'ers (Geekers?) who attend will stop by and say hello.
I will have about 70 Nakayas, a dozen King of Pens, other Japanese pens, MB's, Viscontis, etc as well as a couple of beautiful antique wood boxes made into pen chests by the incomparable Barbara Carpentier of Pen House USA.
Barry B. Gabay (October 15th, 2023), FredRydr (October 12th, 2023), Jon Szanto (October 12th, 2023)
Have a great time, both of you!
"When Men differ in Opinion, both Sides ought equally to have the Advantage of being heard by the Publick;
and that when Truth and Error have fair Play, the former is always an overmatch for the latter."
~ Benjamin Franklin
Seems to be a fairly large show. Nice!
It’s a wonderful show and is especially significant for vintage collectors.
Pens pens pens, & etc.
Barry B. Gabay (November 8th, 2023), Brilliant Bill (November 7th, 2023), catbert (November 7th, 2023), christof (November 7th, 2023), Jon Szanto (November 7th, 2023), penwash (November 7th, 2023)
Observation, not criticism. Pictures of pen shows are almost universally interchangeable. Hotel ballroom, rows of tables full of pens and stationery stuff, and almost exclusively old, white guys (many with hands in pockets) standing, sitting, talking. Perhaps the value here is that you might see someone you know.
I must admit I'm glad to see in Europe anyway a lot more women, younger people, and different ethnicities getting into pens. But yes, Bill's criticism does ring true for some areas of the fandom.
Take it as it comes.
Jon Szanto (November 8th, 2023)
I for one love to see *any* pen show photos, on Instagram I saw an artist from and in India whom I follow (and he followed me as well) posting photos from a pen show in Pune. It gives me a great feeling that our hobby is not only spreading out in the world, but also to see others enjoying pens like we do here.
In my own home show in Dallas last September, there were plenty, and I mean *plenty* of younger people of many different ethnicities.
manoeuver (November 8th, 2023)
To judge a pen show and the demographics of those attending by a picture is a mistake. A sliver of time out of a 3 day show (4 if you count Thursday's pre-show). Ohio does have an emphasis on vintage VS modern, but there is quite a mix of people.
Last edited by Ron Z; November 8th, 2023 at 09:40 AM.
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Barry B. Gabay (November 16th, 2023), Jon Szanto (November 8th, 2023), manoeuver (November 8th, 2023), penwash (November 8th, 2023)
Jon Szanto (November 8th, 2023)
San Francisco International Pen Show, 2023. I don't take too many wide show shots, but this was as it was filling up in the morning. International representation in vendors; attenders crossed all ethnic, gender, and age groups. Big youth presence. If there was a problem with the show, it's become TOO popular, in large part due to the draw on a wide demographic.
Unfortunately, I didn't share this picture 3 months ago, or I could have garnered some of that sweet observation, too.
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"When Men differ in Opinion, both Sides ought equally to have the Advantage of being heard by the Publick;
and that when Truth and Error have fair Play, the former is always an overmatch for the latter."
~ Benjamin Franklin
Barry B. Gabay (November 16th, 2023), TSherbs (November 8th, 2023)
Who is "tello"?
One of the newer pen turners, I believe. A friend of mine, who sells stationery and Italian pens at some shows, is friends with him. A fun side-bar is his young daughter, I think still under the age of 10?, turns pens too and brings them to the show. Very recent, don't know any more than that.
"When Men differ in Opinion, both Sides ought equally to have the Advantage of being heard by the Publick;
and that when Truth and Error have fair Play, the former is always an overmatch for the latter."
~ Benjamin Franklin
TSherbs (November 8th, 2023)