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Thread: Fountain pens that you bought in 2023

  1. #1
    Senior Member christof's Avatar
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    Default Fountain pens that you bought in 2023

    This year, I'm a bit early...

    Here are the pens I bought (and kept) this year :

    I've always thought of myself as a chaotic, unstructured collector who buys anything he can get his hands on...

    Not so this year, as you can see. I bought (and I'm surprised at myself) only LAMY!

    From left to right:

    LAMY 27, brown
    LAMY unic with 14 carat nib. Now I am looking for the all black unic...
    Set of LAMY cp1, with twinpen and FP, vintage style.
    Set of LAMY cp1, with mechanical pencil and FP. rather rare metallic laquer.
    LAMY safari itoya with copper clip
    Two LAMY safari for Starbucks, both in different green.
    LAMY safari SE 2023.
    Finally, a blue Orthos Ideal from the '30s. It's not every day you find something like this.

    Did you also buy something this year? Show it to us please.

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  3. #2
    Senior Member christof's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fountain pens that you bought in 2023

    I admit that this worries me a little: am I really the only person who has bought several new fountain pens this year? Is your self-discipline so superior to mine?
    I am ashamed... I should delete this thread immedialtely!

  4. #3
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    Default Re: Fountain pens that you bought in 2023

    I doubt you're the only one
    I've bought a few but mostly fountain pens that help with my reviewing, namely another Kaweco, and a bunch of cheap platinums....

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  6. #4
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    Default Re: Fountain pens that you bought in 2023

    Christof, you are not the only person with no self-discipline, but you are the one who takes pictures... and also the one who can find your pens!

    I will try to get a photo done later!

  7. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to amk For This Useful Post:

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  8. #5
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    Default Re: Fountain pens that you bought in 2023

    I always buy *and* sell pens. This year was no exception.
    That's one of the ways that I have fun in this hobby

    As far as the first this year, I created a complete inventory of all my pens (excluding the ones in the parts bins).
    And this helped me tremendously when I tried to organize my pens for the pen show.

    On the vintage "older than dirt" front, I got myself two Laughlin pens from the 1900s from Pete Kirby, a very ornate Parker ringtop with a clip (I'll let that marinate a bit), and I lucked out on a big Conklin Nozac from an estate sale (which usually is bereft of any fountain pens, at least in my area).

    I also bought some modern pens, including my first Newtonpens from Shawn himself.
    - Will
    Sketches and restored vintage pens: RedeemPens

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  10. #6
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    Default Re: Fountain pens that you bought in 2023

    I bought three vintage Esterbrooks: a Deluxe, a J, and an SJ. The early (1949-1954) Deluxe is my favorite.

    The pen is in near-mint condition overall, but the lever will barely move, indicating that I need to replace the sac. Unsurprisingly, the section won't move either, but I'm familiar with handling that situation.
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  11. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Niner For This Useful Post:

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  12. #7
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    Default Re: Fountain pens that you bought in 2023

    Maybe I got a bit carried away this year:

    Namiki #50
    Leonardo Momento Zero Grande Nuda exclusive to Pen Venture
    Leonardo Momento Zero Grande Ebonite exclusive
    Gravitas Sentry Skittles
    Leonardo Audace Art Nouveau
    Tombow Zoom 828fp
    Nakaya 17mm Heki-tamenuri
    Milim pocket pen
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  13. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to AlohaPens For This Useful Post:

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  14. #8
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    Default Re: Fountain pens that you bought in 2023

    Quote Originally Posted by AlohaPens View Post
    Maybe I got a bit carried away this year:

    Namiki #50
    Leonardo Momento Zero Grande Nuda exclusive to Pen Venture
    Leonardo Momento Zero Grande Ebonite exclusive
    Gravitas Sentry Skittles
    Leonardo Audace Art Nouveau
    Tombow Zoom 828fp
    Nakaya 17mm Heki-tamenuri
    Milim pocket pen
    Great minds...I have the same Leonardo Minimalist (the orange blue green) and same Nakaya cigar!
    I also bought 3 additional Leonardos, an Aurora Giove, 2 Fwis, 4 Cypress, a montegrappa, 2 Viscontis, 2 Pen 7s and a partridge in a pear tree.

    So much for my no new pens resolution

    Sent from my SM-G781V using Tapatalk

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  16. #9
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    Default Re: Fountain pens that you bought in 2023

    I donʻt purchase pens in between pen purchases. I think thatʻs a pretty good resolution!

  17. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to AlohaPens For This Useful Post:

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  18. #10
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    Default Re: Fountain pens that you bought in 2023

    I did promise photos, so here are a couple.

    I've been filling in gaps in collections and just occasionally grabbing something too pretty to pass up.
    This is not everything, for instance I haven't included vintage pens found on safari (a very nice Stylomine 303 desk pen, for one). And there are a couple of pens still in the post!

  19. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to amk For This Useful Post:

    catbert (December 21st, 2023), christof (December 20th, 2023), da vinci (January 4th, 2024), Yazeh (December 20th, 2023)

  20. #11
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    Default Re: Fountain pens that you bought in 2023

    Quote Originally Posted by amk View Post
    I did promise photos, so here are a couple.

    I've been filling in gaps in collections and just occasionally grabbing something too pretty to pass up.
    This is not everything, for instance I haven't included vintage pens found on safari (a very nice Stylomine 303 desk pen, for one). And there are a couple of pens still in the post!

    What is the second from the top on the left?

    Sent from my SM-G781V using Tapatalk

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  22. #12
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    Default Re: Fountain pens that you bought in 2023

    >>What is the second from the top on the left?

    Carolina Pen Company 'Good intentions', one of my impulse buys this year. Saw it on ebay and it was too nice not to get it.

  23. #13
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    Default Re: Fountain pens that you bought in 2023

    With apologies for my decidedly poor photography skills, here's this year's pen loot.


    By now, my pen collection is very mature (about 40 pens total, though I'd have to count to be sure), and it hasn't grown much at all in the past few years. I didn't get any pens at all in 2022, and I only got one in 2021. This year, though, I got the three that you can see in the pictures above. I got each of them for a particular purpose. I got the Pilot to supplement my Platinum 3776 as a workhorse pen. I love my Platinum 3776 (with a SF nib), but the ink capacity is small. That's not a problem when I'm at home and can easily re-ink, but it's a bit of an issue when I'm out and about. So, I got the Pilot because of its larger ink capacity (it's a piston filler). It was a bit dry when I got it, but then I spread the tines a bit, and now I love it. Then came the Kitty. Ah, the Kitty. I'd been lusting after that pen for years, and rationally speaking, I never should have bought it (given the cost of the pen and my income level). Rationality is overrated, though. The pen is utterly gorgeous. I got it essentially for the aesthetics, although I love the nib, too. And finally, the Sailor. Basically, I realized that my collection had a gaping hole in it: no legitimately broad nibs. Well, I did have one .7mm stub by Mottishaw (on a Nakaya), but that was the broadest one. So, I got the Sailor specifically for its music nib. It's quite a cute pen (and a nice, wet nib), although I'm still a little bit clumsy with it. To be clear, I don't think this is the nib's fault: it writes beautifully if you hold it at the angle that it wants to be held at. I just haven't quite mastered holding it at that angle consistently. Practice makes perfect, I guess.

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  25. #14
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    Default Re: Fountain pens that you bought in 2023

    This wasn't meant to happen:

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  27. #15
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    Default Re: Fountain pens that you bought in 2023

    A Montblanc 149 curved nib calligraphy pen.

    More recently, a Montblanc 146 flex nib calligraphy pen - the newer all black version, not the earlier gold leaf version.

    Found one online in Germany. It just cleared US Customs and should be here shortly to help me start the New Year off right by writing with panache.

    Will post some writing samples after it arrives.

  28. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to BlkWhiteFilmPix For This Useful Post:

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  29. #16
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    Default Re: Fountain pens that you bought in 2023

    Just three fountain pens in 2023: (top to bottom) Hero 565 cartridge/converter version and two Moonman/Majohn A2s


    The Hero 565 was to satisfy the inner completist. The earlier Golden Star 565 and Hero 565 are both aerometric.



    The black A2 was a curiosity purchase, 'justified' as a potential source of spare parts for a 1980s Pilot Capless that doesn't need any (having been repaired by Ron Zorn).


    The parts are mostly interchangeable. In this configuration the A2 facets don’t line up with the Capless and the nib won't lock in the extended position.


    And I got the yellow A2 because ... yellow.


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  31. #17
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    Default Re: Fountain pens that you bought in 2023

    DHL delivered my Montblanc 146 Flex Nib Calligraphy pen from Handelshaus Rheinländer this afternoon. Like the Swiss, German sellers always send candy!

    As with the 149 curved nib calligraphy pen, it's going to require lots of practice.

    To paraphrase Stefan Daniel at Leica, "You need to master the product, but in return your style will be unique, and it's just a lot of fun."

    Thankfully I have Michael Sull’s The Art of Cursive Penmanship and Margaret Shepherd’s Learn Calligraphy to guide me as I work to improve on this third draft of a writing sample.
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    Last edited by BlkWhiteFilmPix; January 4th, 2024 at 03:26 AM. Reason: added link to blog post

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  33. #18
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    Default Re: Fountain pens that you bought in 2023

    Christmas (or thereabouts) pens 2023:
    A Kullock fantasy 51, aerometric, lovely med nib (I did tweak it, but I always do that), cool steel cap in "ciselé" pattern.
    Pelikan M 800 green demonstrator.
    pre-Christmas indulgence to myself - Sheaffer Royal Selangor mint in box
    and finally, not exactly Christmas, but I finally got a "new" 1948 - 49, long clip GF cap for a 51 that's been sidelined for a long while, Looks good, IMHO.
    fantasy51 posted.jpggreen demon.jpgselang open.jpgplum new cap.jpg

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  35. #19
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    Default Re: Fountain pens that you bought in 2023

    BTW, I should mention that the "new" cap came from "thependragons" (
    They have lots of otherwise hard to find parts, and not just old junk.


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