This year, I'm a bit early...
Here are the pens I bought (and kept) this year :
I've always thought of myself as a chaotic, unstructured collector who buys anything he can get his hands on...
Not so this year, as you can see. I bought (and I'm surprised at myself) only LAMY!
From left to right:
LAMY 27, brown
LAMY unic with 14 carat nib. Now I am looking for the all black unic...
Set of LAMY cp1, with twinpen and FP, vintage style.
Set of LAMY cp1, with mechanical pencil and FP. rather rare metallic laquer.
LAMY safari itoya with copper clip
Two LAMY safari for Starbucks, both in different green.
LAMY safari SE 2023.
Finally, a blue Orthos Ideal from the '30s. It's not every day you find something like this.
Did you also buy something this year? Show it to us please.