Koh-I-Noor Document Blue
Thanks for @Lithium466 for the sample.
This is one of the cheapest document inks, you could ever find. However, it stains, doesn’t like copy paper and it is a pain to clean. Though if you use it exclusively in one pen and don't use cheap paper, you're fine.
Check this link on reddit to see the staining:
It has a faint reddish sheen. In my experience it is more waterproof than its black sibling.
When you clean your pen, the ink looks just lovely in the sink. Pity it’s not the colour you write with. It rarely ever is, isn’t it?
Let's start with the chroma:
Chroma - Koh-I-NOor - Document Blue.jpeg
Writing Samples:
I dipped a Kanwrite with a flex nib in my ink vial. I don't recommend flex nib with this ink, unless you're a monk and live before Gutenberg's time in some monastery and have to copy some arcane treatise. And even then I would stick with a nice homemade iron gall recipe
Midori -KIN-Docblue.jpeg
TR68 -KIN-Docblue.jpeg
Koh-I- Noor - Document Blue.jpg
This is to show off the sheen. It's only visible on Japanese paper.
Koh-I-Noor sheen.jpg
Water test:
No animals were harmed during this test
Watertest - KiH-Documet BLue.jpeg
This was part of the Inktober yearly challenge. The prompt was mythology. This is a humorous take about the origins of the snake (or maybe Snek) and the apple..
Other inks used:
Noodler’s Lexington Gray/ Eel Red Rattler’s Red
Kakimori Kurun (Green)
You can see see the sheen in the corner top right of the page.
· Pens used: Pilot Kakuno Ef, Lamy (EF/F/M/B, BB), Ahab nib dipped.
· What I liked: Doing washes. Empty the ink in the sink. The colour is mesmerizing, very cheap.
· What I did not like: The colour, writing with Kakuno Ef, cleaning the pen
· What some might not like: It’s a document ink, slightly chalky, stains,
· Shading: Did not notice.
· Ghosting: Yes, on cheap paper.
· Bleed through: Yes, on cheap paper.
· Flow Rate: Wet
· Lubrication: Slightly below average.
· Nib Dry-out: Did not notice. Though it didn't like the Kakuno. Though almost no ink likes this pen.
· Start-up: Ok
· Saturation: Pastel
· Shading Potential: Dismal.
· Sheen: Yes, the more the ink evaporates the more prounced it is.
· Spread / Feathering / Woolly Line: On copy paper
· Nib Creep / “Crud”: Did not notice.
· Staining (pen): Yes baby!
· Clogging: Did not notice.
· Cleaning: A royal pain. You need a cleaning solution.
· Water resistance: Excellent
· Availability: Surprisingly it comes in grams and not millilitres. 30gr (glass bottles ) 50 gr plastic bottles & international long cartridges.
Please don't hesitate to share your experience, writing samples or any other comments. The more the merrier