Extra Fine Nib Ink Review: Pilot Mixable Colour Blue
This is review #298 in my series. Here's the YouTube video:
Post-recording notes: As mentioned with previous inks in this series, I'm taking them out of order because they're starting to evaporate out of the cartridge. I added a few drops of distilled water to top the cartridge off. I don't believe this has had a significant impact on color or performance.
This is a dark, saturated, blue blue. The microscope slide was dullsville - one solid color throughout. Technically, I got the slightest hints of shading and sheen on Iroful paper, but only there. Without dilution, don't count on seeing either.
Cleaning was quick and easy. Since there was ink left in the cartridge, I topped it off with water (maybe 2-3 parts ink for 1 part water), and put it in my Prera with a CM nib. Looks nicer diluted, IMO.
Zoomed in photo (Very close to what my eyes see.)
Screenshot (Very close.)
Scan of Completed Review (Text is a little brighter than reality, and might need just a smidge of purple lean.)
Absorbent Paper Close-up (top is puzzle paper like thick newsprint, bottom is old 20lb copy paper) (AP: Text is lighter than real life; CP: Pretty close.)
Line width (The "I" in "Ink:". Magnification is 100x. The grid is 100x100µm. The scale is 330µm, with eleven divisions of 30µm each. The line width for this ink is roughly 299µm. With 298 inks measured, the average line width is 297µm.) (I could see more sheen under the microscope than showed up in the image.)
Other (A little doodle. As you can see, the ink like this fuzzes a bit. It would clearly benefit from dilution.)
Previous Review: Diamine Wild Strawberry.
Images also available on Instagram: @zilxodarap.
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Hope you enjoy. Comments appreciated!