I was having a phone conversation with a friend who attended the recent Orlando Pen Show. He did not buy a pen there, which, for him, is unusual. He objects to what he calls, high prices. Instead, he described some of his online purchases, and said that his Asvine fountain pen is "perfect." We talked and I told him that I thoroughly enjoy writing with my Asvine fountain pens, but, as the saying goes, nobody's perfect. This friend is an engineer—very detailed, and, he loves to participate in a friendly debate. Following our conversation, he copied from one of the online dictionaries and emailed the definition of perfect>
Free from any flaw or defect
The ideal representative of something
Excellent and delightful in all respects
Precisely accurate or correct
Suitable in the most precise manner
Pure or untarnished
Not lacking any part or component
Without any personality or character faults or weaknesses
Well, with the above in mind, plus the fact that 100% of my Asvine fountain pens perform flawlessly right out of the box, I don't think it is an exaggeration to call Asvine Pens, perfect.
My latest order included the Asvine Model P20 and Asvine Model V169. The P20 has an inbuilt piston filling system, and the V169 has a vacuum filling system. Both reliable methods fill easily from a bottle of ink. I selected Medium points for the Asvine nibs. The Company also offers Extra Fine and Fine.
The P20 Marbled Green/Green Marble color combination, and, the V169 black "skeleton" overlay effect with the transparent, acrylic body, are captivating, in my view.
My wife is a much better photographer than I so after opening the boxes I asked her to take the photo—attached. A little later I filled the Green Marble with Pelikan Edelstein Olivine, and the vac filler contains Waterman Intense Black. The ink capacity in both models is fully sufficient and exceeds that of ink cartridges.
The hand-polished and precisely-tuned, smooth Asvine nibs, and, free-flowing ink feeders, result in a satisfying handwriting experience. The P20 and V169 are being used as daily writers and I will also use them for special occasions.
The P20 weighs 28.3 grams and the V169 weighs 31 grams and both produce a feeling of comfort in the hand. The caps do not post well as they are not designed to do so--unposted ensures a correct balance. What about the grip sections?>Not slippery.
I am very picky about threading. Asvine Pens have cap threading which doesn't "hang-up" when replacing them onto the barrel to close the pen.
An important consideration for many fountain pen consumers is the number of turns to remove and replace the cap. My preference is 1 or 1˝ turns, and another feature I'll mention is the clip—these two new fountain pen treasures have the right amount of tension so that the pens are secure in my shirt pocket and at the same time, not too tight so as to be a hassle to remove.
I purchase Asvine Pens from Etsy or Amazon--the Green Marble was just added there to the other P20 finishes which can be ordered.
Low, desirable prices for Asvine Pens are the "Icing on the Cake", IMHO.
Pen Friends, do have fun with your fountain pens!
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