howdy folks, how can I flush the nib+feed of this pen? thank you
howdy folks, how can I flush the nib+feed of this pen? thank you
Whatever you do, don't run water through the barrel of the pen because it will cause the mechanism to rust, and you'll have an expensive repair on your hands.
Montblanc sells (or sold) a cleaning kit. In essence a pipette with a long converter end fit onto it that slips onto the piercing tube on one end and a bulb on the other. It has a cleaning solution in it that you flush through the nib and feed, and then to flush water through to rinse.
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Hi Ron, I knew not to soak the nib. So if I get a spent ink cartridge, that sits snuggly on the piercer, long enough to put a bulb into the sticking out bit I can rinse the nib and feed. Or a converter that I have to behead in order to insert the bulb syringe into.
Hello to @Ron-Z
I have an older version of a Boheme, that is not a retractable nib. It is the vintage first Boheme I guess.
It takes just MBintage pen cartages. This pen has problem someone had put a wrong cartridge and it is loosened itself in the barrel. When I open the pen by unthreading the section I can see clearly the cartage well structed inside and can take it off.
That carried has no thread? Or someone used a wrong cartridge?
Also this is a vintage pen I bought recently. I am not sure this pen takes converters with thread as some mon t blanc pen do. Regarding this problem ,I am planing to see a major MB dealer in London when I have time. Thank you for you kind openion on the matter, and my regards, -CY
Last edited by Cyril; November 28th, 2024 at 02:50 PM.
As far as I knew the original medium sized Boheme, with fixed nib came with a converter from Montblanc. It also had a stone in the clip. The large version that came as almost as big as a 149 was retractable and cartridge only.
This thread from elsewhere might help
Regards, Chrissy| My Review Blog: inkyfountainpens