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Thread: OK, just got my Pelikan M600 grail pen while I still can afford it.

  1. #1
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    Default OK, just got my Pelikan M600 grail pen while I still can afford it.

    Yay!! ~I just bought my dream pen, a blue/black Pelikan M600 from Amazon Germany. Have to wait a bit on shipping tho, but it's worth it as I got a good sale price. Figure I better get it now before the insane tariff wars system goes in place and everything from abroad jumps sky-high in price! When the 600 comes I'll probably sell my other Pelikan, an M200.
    This is about it for me tho AFA expensive FPs goes... After this plunge I'll probably stick mostly with my inexpensive Chinese clone pens that I also very much enjoy having. ~Although come to think of it the good prices on these are probably going to also disappear with the promised tariff insanity..

  2. #2
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    Default Re: OK, just got my Pelikan M600 grail pen while I still can afford it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Skip View Post
    Yay!! ~I just bought my dream pen, a blue/black Pelikan M600 from Amazon Germany. Have to wait a bit on shipping tho, but it's worth it as I got a good sale price. Figure I better get it now before the insane tariff wars system goes in place and everything from abroad jumps sky-high in price! When the 600 comes I'll probably sell my other Pelikan, an M200.
    This is about it for me tho AFA expensive FPs goes... After this plunge I'll probably stick mostly with my inexpensive Chinese clone pens that I also very much enjoy having. ~Although come to think of it the good prices on these are probably going to also disappear with the promised tariff insanity..
    Actually that should say above: "....from Amazon Japan". ~Why Amazon Japan is selling and shipping German pens to the USA I don't know? There's a longer shipping time because of this but also the price is very reasonable. Hopefully everything will be OK, and the M600 will be up to par. I don't really care if it should come sans a pretty gift box, I just want it to be a good quality Pelikan and not some kind of "second", y'know? ~We'll see when it arrives I guess...


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