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Thread: Personal Review of 4 moderately expensive pens and 1 inexpensive one...

  1. #1
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    Default Personal Review of 4 moderately expensive pens and 1 inexpensive one...

    1}The Asvine P50 piston.(steel nib).
    2}A Pilot Granch cartridge filler (14K nib)
    3}The Pelikan M600 piston. (14K nib)
    4}The Pelikan M200 piston. (steel nib)
    5} The Sailor Pro Gear Slim (PGS) cartridge filler. (14K nib)

    OK this of course is personal and subjective, but here are my findings on these 5 pens:

    The first two, the Asvine P50 and the Pilot Granch are both amazingly smooth writers and I really couldn't find much difference between them (except for the price?). ~They are both just superb IMO!

    The Pelikan M600 is almost as smooth as those first two, perhaps just slightly less with a bit more feedback, but still a thoroughly enjoyable pen! -With the M200 just maybe a tiny smidgen behind it, but certainly nothing to complain about. ~In fact my M200's performance at it's price point IMO makes it a better buy than the M600 in many ways...

    The Sailor PGS is a disappointment for me. It goes dry-nibbed much too quickly and then only restarts with difficulty and then writes very scratchy. My 3 cheap but enjoyable Sailor Profit Jr pens work far better! ~So much difficulty with this PGS, I'm gonna hafta change the ink to see if that helps. And if not, then maybe I'll try smoothing out the nib some. But I consider this PGS to be unacceptable the way it is now...

    So there it is... ~Four pens over $100 (the M600 way over!), one pen under $25, and dadgummit I'm every bit as happy with that one as I am with any of the others!

  2. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to Skip For This Useful Post:

    carlos.q (December 4th, 2024), catbert (December 4th, 2024), INeedAFinancialAdvisor (December 4th, 2024), junglejim (December 4th, 2024), Lloyd (December 4th, 2024), Niner (December 5th, 2024), Yazeh (December 4th, 2024)

  3. #2
    Senior Member INeedAFinancialAdvisor's Avatar
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    Default Re: Personal Review of 4 moderately expensive pens and 1 inexpensive one...

    It has been my experience that price sadly often has nothing to do with writing experience.
    Sometimes a great pen is actually a cheap pen (WS 601)

    Glad you’re happy with your purchases overall. I hope an ink change in the Sailor helps it’s issues

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to INeedAFinancialAdvisor For This Useful Post:

    catbert (December 4th, 2024)


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