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Thread: Re-installing levers

  1. #1
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    Default Re-installing levers

    This page discusses how to re-install a lever.

    The pen used in the example appears to be an Esterbrook J series pen. I attempted the procedure on a junk Esterbrook, with poor results. I deformed the U shape of the lever, specifically where the ring passes through it, deformed the ring badly, and slightly cut the channel in the barrel's lever opening. I re-shaped the ring and tried again. And again. No joy.

    As described on the web page, the procedure seemed simple and easy. I'm glad I used a junk pen.

    Any suggestions for success?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Jon Szanto's Avatar
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    Default Re: Re-installing levers

    One of the worst jobs to do in pen restoration. I've only done 3 or 4 over the years, hated each one. I'm sure that in any "urban dictionary" online you can look up "PITA" and you'll see a picture of lever replacement.
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Re-installing levers

    I had misread the instructions. I got it to work. From reading the entire instruction web page I gather that Esterbrooks aren't as difficult as some other makes.

    I noticed that my junk pen's lever ring was rusty. I suppose I could remove the lever of any lever-filler I restore to inspect for rust. I suppose.

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  5. #4
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    Default Re: Re-installing levers

    Reading & following a good set of directions is always a good thing.
    Unfortunately, however, not all directions are either clear and/or accurate.
    Doing the work with the correct tool(s) is also strongly recommended.
    As with all procedures, there is a learning curve and one must be patient with themselves as they labor to master the task.
    If one is lucky enough to find someone who has mastered the task, and is willing to do a "show & tell," that is the ideal way to get off of the steep part of the learning curve.
    And, of course, there is some variation from manufacturer to manufacturer.

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  7. #5
    Senior Member Ron Z's Avatar
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    Default Re: Re-installing levers

    I've been repairing pens for about 35 years, and still find them to be a pain. Sometimes lever repair or replacement is on the same level as a root canal or getting a tooth pulled for the "fun" of the experience. A stash of piano wire (or stainless MIG welding wire) and chain nose pliers are helpful.

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  8. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Ron Z For This Useful Post:

    Jon Szanto (December 5th, 2024), Niner (December 5th, 2024)

  9. #6
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    Default Re: Re-installing levers

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Z View Post
    I've been repairing pens for about 35 years, and still find them to be a pain. Sometimes lever repair or replacement is on the same level as a root canal or getting a tooth pulled for the "fun" of the experience. A stash of piano wire (or stainless MIG welding wire) and chain nose pliers are helpful.
    I've repaired levers, had root canals and had teeth pulled. Given my druthers, I'll take the lever repair.

    Perhaps you should look at it this way; if it was easy, anybody could do it.
    And, you'd be out of a job.

    Just saying.........

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    Niner (December 5th, 2024)

  11. #7
    Senior Member Ron Z's Avatar
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    Default Re: Re-installing levers

    I do consider things like that to be "job security." Also people dropping their pens on the nib. We've observed that people in the Boston area seem drop their pens a lot, or don't maintain them.

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