You'd probably hafta like mini FPs to notice this, but with their caps closed the Kaweco Sport is a full 1/2" shorter than Pilot's Prera. However set them up (posted) for writing and their nibs tip out at about the same length! ~I think that's clever of Kaweco, how they've managed to do this...
However I very much like and enjoy both these minis; -their convenient size, and the great way they write. Plus both these pens (one German made, one Japanese) can be eyedroppered, which makes them even more desirable for me. ~And neither of their price tags should break anyone's bank...
I do like the slightly sturdier built Prera a wee bit more than the Sport. ~But I'm still picking up a 3'rd Sport so I'll then have one with an F (writes more like an EF) nib, an M, and a BB nib to cover all the line widths I'd ever need with a pen that takes up so little storage space!
**EDIT** On second thought I don't think I would call Pilot's Prera a "mini" pen. It probably falls more in the 'pocket sized' category IMO. The minis are all a bit smaller than the pocket sized range when they're closed for travelling or storage. ~But they also do interesting shape increasing tricks when they're posted for writing...