More mini pens capped and posted. L-R, Ohto Rook, two samples of the Stypen Up. A Waterman's something or other. Sheaffer Flat Top, small Esterbrook Dollar Pen.
Notes. The Ohto was a cheap pen, and I've never been able to tweak the nib to write nicely. Certainly not worth sending out. But the extra long cap, which makes it a normal length pen when posted, does make it interesting.
The Stypens are also relatively inexpensive pens, but they write well enough, nothing special. What's interesting is the retractable nib. They still need to be capped to keep them from drying out, but it does provide a little extra protection against getting ink on one's fingers when uncapping.
I think that the Waterman was quite a good pen, but I haven't used it in a long time. Too many pens. But now that I've been reminded of it, it's on my list to be inked again at some point.
The Sheaffer is definitely a good pen, and I'll use it again at some point.
I haven't used any of my Esterbrooks in quite a while, but when I do, this one is at the top of the list. I put a 9788 nib in it, which is my favorite Esterbrook nib. I cleaned the ink stain off of it after taking the picture.
None of these are inked at the moment, but again, the three vintage ones will be at some point.