At one point, the author says:
We communicate more but with less physical effort...
I am not at all convinced of this. Message, word, or character count is not an accurate measure of
communication. In my experience, people actually communicate
less in the digital world. What was once considered courtesy or "building a relationship" is now considered a waste of time. Business emails are often so poorly written that it takes a half-a-dozen of them to communicate what one well-composed sentence could have managed. In personal communication, I find hand-written letters convey infinitely more than all other forms of communication I've experienced (except in-person conversation and perhaps some phone calls). The fact is that while we technically
can communicate just as personally and even intimately (not
that kind of intimate) via digital means, we
don't. I have tried to, but no one else seems to want to take the time. In my experience, the only people willing to take the time are the same people who enjoy exchanging handwritten letters.
So, we may send more messages, more words, more characters, even more images, but I'm not convinced we
communicate more.