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Thread: A Good word for TWSBI Eco's, and some hobby musings...

  1. #1
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    Default A Good word for TWSBI Eco's, and some hobby musings...

    I got two on-sale TWSBI Eco's early on last year... ~One yellow trans, one green trans, -one's got a Stub nib, the other a B. They're great workhorses, but o/s of enjoying watching their large ink capacities slosh around I never found them terribly attractive...
    So, being involved with obtaining and experimenting with other FPs and inks, I don't think I touched either one of them for the last 4 or 5 months... ~Until today, when I picked them up, enjoyed looking at their sloshing ink chambers again, and immediately started right up writing with both w/o their slightest hesitation, skipping, or stutter! ~Just nice wet, smooth flowing lines as if I'd been using them as daily writers! -And now these two TWSBI Eco's are looking very attractive to me! ~Yas!

    I guess that's one of the benefits derived from the screwy way I collect modern FP's. Sometimes I think it doesn't make much sense to gather up some twenty five or thirty of them in a short time and then keep them all inked. ~Except that's the way I like to do it!
    And then when I pick up one that's been ignored for a while I get a thrill out of the ones that start right up again! -It's almost like getting them new and for the first time again!

    Of course not all of my pens do this (and sometimes the more expensive ones are the hardest restarters), but I don't much mind that either. After all, t'was my fault for ignoring them, and I can almost always get them restarted again with just a little fussing and then that gives me a feeling of accomplishment! So for me it's a win-win situation the way I do it, y'know?

    I have a feeling tho that when I start collecting vintage FP's (coming soon!) I won't be able to do it this way. If I want to keep them inked (and I do) then I'll prolly have to limit myself to using only 2 or 3 vintage pens at a time...

  2. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Skip For This Useful Post:

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  3. #2
    Senior Member INeedAFinancialAdvisor's Avatar
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    Default Re: A Good word for TWSBI Eco's, and some hobby musings...

    In my experience, pens like the preppy and the eco are very good at being left alone for a long time. But you are correct; vintage pens are not as good when left alone for too long.

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  5. #3
    FPG Donor ♕ Chrissy's Avatar
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    Default Re: A Good word for TWSBI Eco's, and some hobby musings...

    I have several TWSBI's and it's a feature that they never seem to dry out or fail to start. I filled two 580 LE's in Dromgooles at the end of April 2023 and one of them is still starting up straight away with part of that same ink fill.
    Regards, Chrissy | My Review Blog: inkyfountainpens

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  7. #4
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    Default Re: A Good word for TWSBI Eco's, and some hobby musings...

    Bit of a coinkydink- earlier today while tidying up my writing desk a bit I came across a JinHao 9013 I had filled and flat out forgotten! I know it was before my brain surgery this past November. I feared it'd be all dried out & crusted over when I uncapped it, but it started writing immediately like I'd just laid it down for a few seconds. It's the one with that 'Heartbeat' nib, FWIW.

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to ~JJ For This Useful Post:

    INeedAFinancialAdvisor (January 30th, 2025)


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