It is universally and immemorially recognized that the February stone is
and the relevant color range for the month is, therefore, purple.

Well, who am I to blow against the wind?

Purple it is, then. But for those of us with a Y chromosome and cis-gendered inclinations,
it seems a bit difficult to find purple items that are manly -- purple pens that lean
away from the pink end of the purple range, and towards the blue end of the range. Is what I mean.

What would you consider possibilities for a masculine purple pen?

While I'm on the topic, I searched the forum for anything having to do with
which as you know is the purple granite quarried originally in Egypt and shipped all over the classical world
for use in royal/state/religious statuary, furniture, and ritual implements.
If there was a pen that made use of porphyry, I'd be all over it like white on soy milk.
But I don't see any search results for pen-related porphyry. How can that be?
You can't spit in a Roman or Vatican museum without hitting a purply granite bowl or ewer or throne.
ditto certain east asian dynasties.

If you can make pens out of all sorts of rocks and stones and lava, why hasn't porphyry had its turn?