Willie, I meant that perhaps some extremists may see the wealth of this country and feel that it is not deserved as they are Allah's believers and this is (at least in name) a secular state.

I am trying to believe in the inherent goodness of human nature and also that those who mean to do harm are in the minority. I've had the privilege of working in a culturally diverse environment, and have seen firsthand that not all immigrants, or even all Muslims come here with the goal of causing havoc. I ask you to reconsider and not paint all would be immigrants with a broad brush. If not to admit an Einstein, how about to offer an escape to those persecuted in their home country?

I do agree that the borders need to be better controlled, just not closed off. We are no longer at a place in history where the Pacific and Atlantic oceans are sufficient protection. Indeed, since this at its center an issue of belief, wouldn't it be to our advantage to be an asylum for those that need it for political or economic reasons? This would be better protection than any barriers we could possibly build.