A week ago, during my second night back at college, after a great first orchestra rehearsal, I crashed my bike at 15mph, with only a pinkie skinned down to the bone and a deeply bruised hip to show for it. Sorta. Only an hour after the fact did I remember I still had my new beater pen, a Lamy 2000M with a *wonderful* OB nib, in my pocket during the fall. The obvious damage was to the clip: the tip of it is now deeply scoured...I suspect this saved my thigh a good bit of road rash. I thought that was the extent of it. But yesterday when I went to fill it, to my dismay the piston unit cracked in my hand. I will fix the broken plastic with the proper solvent. Now, it definitely saw a good amount of force during the crash, but, as anyone who's handled one knows, the thing feels indestructible. I feel short-changed, as for me, the pen just begs to be taken everywhere, to see no babying, but it seems the plastic they use is just not up to the task. Of course, it is not advertised as I describe it, but it gives every impression of it--aside from during the filling process. Am I expecting too much? Has anyone had this pen--or any one like it--break on them?
