Hello everyone,

A new and exciting product has come on the market from Italian innovation company Napkin. The 4.EVER never ending pencil. Take a look at our review below.



NAPKIN 4.EVER® – The Pencil that never runs out!
• Weight 55 Grams.
• Colours: Natural Aluminium, Aviation Blue, Titanium Grey, Black.
• Special alloy metal Ethergraf ® writing tip.
• Design Sergio Mori.
• Spire barrel design.
On first impression the 4 Ever looks like something more in place in a sci-fi drama or fantasy story than at home on a stationery connoisseur’s desk however the unique design certainly grows on you and makes you want to learn more about this amazing new innovation.
This pencil employs the use of its especially designed tip to produce a writing instrument that Napkin claims will never run out. This tip named the Ethergraf® is created from a patented alloy of metals which allows a smooth stroke and the ability to write indefinitely without the need for refills of graphic lead or ink.
Cutting edge innovation?
Many companies have created pencils in the past that have promised to last longer than any other on the market. Some have even promised ones that are never ending but rely in an elaborate system of various components. The 4.EVER is a ‘does what it says on the tin’ invention and by keeping the design simple and robust Napkin have kept the experience for the user as pure as possible meaning this pen is sure to be a hit with both artists and general users alike.
The pencil is available in 4 colours, natural aluminium, aviation blue, titanium grey and black, all of which fit the design of the pencil perfectly. The shape of the pencil while hard to describe fits the image of a spire ascending into the sky and when laid on your desk it is sure to draw some considerable attention.
How does it write?
Initially when I saw the pencil I was dubious of how this rather long and seemingly off balance instrument would write and handle. Napkin however, who hand craft and assemble these in Italy have turned the alloy barrels perfectly to product a nicely balanced feel which allows smooth and confident strokes. The tip due to its metallic properties provides quite a hard writing surface and would be best utilised for people looking for a lead grade of HB or above.
New innovation within the writing instrument industry is rare due to most pens and pencils sharing the same fundamental principles. Napkin have shown an excellent drive to create something unique with the 4.EVER and we can safely say here at Webster’s Pen Shop that it will be our go to pencil from now on.

Websters Pen Shop.