Most of the journals/diaries I have collected are vintage. Typically between 1930 and 1970. And with the advent of the internet, one of the most enjoyable aspects of collecting the journals of others is researching and endeavoring to find and return the journal if the original owner or family of the owner wants it. So far I have struck out, but someday may be lucky enough to unify one.

Also, I have to say the most enjoyable journals to me are travel journals dating from the 30s and 40s where the journalist is abord a steamship and is filled with descriptions of all their experiences and things like the people they meet while on board. Even autographs. Of course, they describe in detail their on-shore excursions. I have one that was an American that took a cruise to Europe and the Mediterranean. It seems that back in those times that a cruise was much more than just a week or two vacation, but it was not unusual for folks to spend upwards of two or three months and in my judgment, doing it right. So many of the travel journalists include photos, and things like ticket stubs, flower pressings, postcards, and other mementos which makes it so much more delightful to read.