Might as well make a place to consolidate all the stuff that's coming, so go ahead and vent it here.

I'll go ahead and lay out my position, and a prediction.

I don't like Trump, but I like many of his policies. I like that he shook up the status quo (as Bernie would have done), but he's simply too toxic. Even more toxic than before, as weird as that sounds. I'd like to see anyone beat him in the primaries, or the government to finally kill off his aspirations with something that would stick. In a perfect world, DeSantis would beat him in a primary.

The crazy prediction - Scott Adams has a saying along the lines of: "The most absurd outcome is the most likely". He says it tongue in cheek, but Trump did sit in the Oval Office for 4 years. Pennsylvania elected a 6' turnip, and Biden won a Presidency from his basement.

So the craziest thing to happen is we get a Hillary vs Trump rematch, and Hillary wins. I don't know what the Democrats are doing, and maybe it's cheating (there's a good hypothesis in team-red's conspiracy theory), or maybe they've got a winning formula by focusing (legitimately) on ballots instead of votes (I'll post an interesting article about that later); but I think Hillary runs.

She's got a show on Apple TV with Chelsea to increase her likability factor. She's got her "right-wing gonna steal 2024" thing out there. Most of all though, the Dems have no bench*.

We can fill this thread with outrage and vitriol, or laugh at the absurdity of the country. I'm going with the latter.

*One caveat: Michelle O might be the disruptor to my Hillary theory. She just released a book, and that's what Dems do before they campaign.