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Thread: Israel/Gaza information sources

  1. #1
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    Default Israel/Gaza information sources

    At the start of the Russian invasion we shared online sources of information.
    Looking for the same kind of sources now: up-to-date information, not partisan opinions.

    ISW has added Israel info to its Iran page has a page on how video and photos are manipulated. It also does a lot with geolocating. Whether it’s content is/will be nonpartisan remains to be seen.

    @Cappyarmy on Instagram and his YouTube channel Task & Purpose are providing coverage. Helpful maps. I defer to experienced FPG members to weigh the quality of his military analysis.

    What are your preferred sources?

  2. #2
    Senior Member dneal's Avatar
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    Default Re: Israel/Gaza information sources

    I don't think it's possible to get 'not partisan opinions'.

    You've got all the worst aspects of humanity rolled up in one nice neat little nutshell.
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    Senior Member dneal's Avatar
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    Default Re: Israel/Gaza information sources

    To the point though, Twitter / X. People in uniforms sort through it every day and compile it. It's the 'open-source' in 'open-source intelligence'.

    You have to play an active role in content curation and maintain a healthy skepticism. You're staring right at the data-stream of literal global information operations. It's designed to manipulate.

    This guy often has some fair or interesting takes.

    Screen Shot 2023-10-14 at 9.02.32 AM.png
    "A truth does not mind being questioned. A lie does not like being challenged."

  4. #4
    Senior Member karmachanic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Israel/Gaza information sources

    If it keeps on rainin' the levee's gonna break.
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    Default Re: Israel/Gaza information sources

    Interesting article today in the Atlantic on the media and misinformation around the Gaza hospital explosion.

  6. #6
    Senior Member dneal's Avatar
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    Default Re: Israel/Gaza information sources

    I ran across this during my morning news intake. Everything of course is suspect, but it's a sound plan.

    Former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett Tweeted this

    Translated from Hebrew by Google.

    The Gaza siege plan
    Siege of Gaza, suffocation of Hamas operatives in tunnels, and occupation of a security strip inside Gaza until Hamas surrenders, the demilitarization of the strip and the release of the abductees.
    *Not to act in the way that Hamas expects us to act and prepared for*

    *Publicizing the siege plan scares and stresses Hamas leaders and will be a catalyst to bring about results*
    base assumption:
    - For 15 years, Hamas prepared a vast tunnel system, an underground state, precisely against the entry of Israeli forces.

    - When Hamas carried out Black Sabbath, it was exactly expecting a "cast lead" style ground response and the other operations.

    - Hamas is counting on us entering every bunker and every tunnel with tweezers in order to exact a heavy blood price from us.

    - Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas want us to invest many forces deep in the Gaza Strip so that we have fewer forces available for another campaign, in the north and also in Judea and Samaria and more.

    - Hamas wants us to get involved during the entry, which will force us to cause heavy collateral damage of killing Gazan children, etc., so that the world will force us to stop.

    - Hamas has probably removed many assets, including leadership and commanders to the south of the Gaza Strip, leaving simple activists in the north of the Gaza Strip to quarrel with us.
    - ** We must not act according to the expectation of Hamas **
    The siege plan for Hamas in northern Gaza:
    1. To surprise *and not go deep into the Gaza Strip as Hamas expects us to do*, but to impose a complete siege on the north of the Gaza Strip, dry up and suffocate the Hamas terrorists in the tunnels until they are forced to leave.
    2. To create a new security strip 2 km deep into the territory of the strip along our entire border, a permanent strip. This is through the use of massive firepower and ground forces, and engineering. Imagine bulldozers simply leveling the area.
    3. Continuously use firepower on Hamas all over the Strip. Israel conducts a continuous series of targeted ground operations with enormous firepower, to separate neighborhood from neighborhood from Hamas. There is no need to hunt down every Hamasnik in a hole and a tunnel.
    4. The residents of Gaza stay in the southern half of the Strip or outside the Strip until the end of the war: when Hamas disarms unilaterally and releases all the hostages. This, of course, according to international law, to preserve their lives. Countries around the world can take in the refugees—temporarily, of course—until Hamas surrenders and the war ends. Between 6 months and 5 years.
    5. In the south of the Gaza Strip, humanitarian corridors are allowed, and we allow (but do not give ourselves): water, food, medicine. This is as required by international law.
    6. Do not allow any drop of fuel to enter the entire strip. Without fuel there are no tunnels because there is no ventilation and no lighting. Every drop that enters the Gaza Strip goes to Hamas. Fuel = fighting. So not a bit.
    7. Strategic patience: make the passing time work in our favor. We have all the time in the world.
    8. After initial ground operations, 250,000 military personnel must be released home as soon as possible, in order to release economic-civil pressure, to restore the economy and life to order. We must not just stress ourselves artificially just because we called up 350,000 reservists.
    9. Any country in the world that expresses pain over the situation of the refugees in the south is invited to temporarily host refugees (Scotland, Egypt, Turkey, etc.).
    10. Avoid collateral damage as much as possible, which could interrupt the Israeli operation before achieving Hamas's surrender.

    Advantages of the program:
    - Trickery and surprise: this is exactly the opposite of what Hamas has been preparing for for a decade. Contrary to what he expects us to do. Hamas believes that we have a breathing space of 4-5 weeks inside Gaza and then we will leave, as has always happened in the last decade.

    - Dehydrates Hamas operatives. Imagine "Muhammad" a Hamas operative who is currently waiting for us in the tunnel, alert and ready. Under siege, he will be forced to wait for months in his humid tunnel, wet, hungry, depressed, and when the fuel runs out, the tunnel will go dark, and there will be no oxygen: his family may be in the mud in the south of the Gaza Strip or in Egypt or Belgium: what am I doing here?

    - transfers the pressure from Israel to Hamas; Passing the lever from Hamas to us. Right now all the leverage is with them. the abductees They will play and play us. This thing turns the bowl and basically the lever goes to us.

    - The Hamas leadership will find itself in a dilemma: either Hamas or the state of Gaza. If Sinuar does not disarm he will go down in history as the one who destroyed his country and brought a historical disaster on his people.

    - Dramatically reduces the chances of Hezbollah involvement: a. They have no specific trigger to go to war. B. Israeli forces are kept fresh and free to strike in Lebanon.

    - A sustainable political line of defense: until the Israelis do not return home, neither will the Gazans return home. Everyone is going home together: Israeli hostages are returning home to Israel, families from the Gaza enclave will return only with the disappearance of Hamas, and the residents of Gaza will also be able to return because the war is over and the danger to their lives has passed.

    - The program was tested by DBA experts and meets all the tests of international law.
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  7. #7
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    Default Re: Israel/Gaza information sources

    YouTube has some good citizen journalists. Unfortunately, it is now quite censored. Telegram is usually better, as it is less censored. Even Telegram has blocked some channels recently, but is still the best bet for real news.

    The very best source of news was the Reuters Roku app, especially its unedited news preview stream. It was a real eye-opener, but is now sadly discontinued.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Israel/Gaza information sources

    Quote Originally Posted by kazoolaw View Post
    @Cappyarmy on Instagram and his YouTube channel Task & Purpose are providing coverage. Helpful maps. I defer to experienced FPG members to weigh the quality of his military analysis.
    The Warzone, a sister publication, also has some coverage on the Ukraine and Israeli-Hamas wars. Their parent company, Recurrent, has a number of really good magazines and websites.

  9. #9
    Senior Member karmachanic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Israel/Gaza information sources

    What UN Secretary General Guterres has to say:

    Mr. President, with your permission, I will make a small introduction and then ask my colleagues to brief the Security Council on the situation on the ground.


    The situation in the Middle East is growing more dire by the hour.

    The war in Gaza is raging and risks spiralling throughout the region.

    Divisions are splintering societies. Tensions threaten to boil over.

    At a crucial moment like this, it is vital to be clear on principles -- starting with the fundamental principle of respecting and protecting civilians.

    I have condemned unequivocally the horrifying and unprecedented 7 October acts of terror by Hamas in Israel.

    Nothing can justify the deliberate killing, injuring and kidnapping of civilians – or the launching of rockets against civilian targets.

    All hostages must be treated humanely and released immediately and without conditions. I respectfully note the presence among us of members of their families.


    It is important to also recognize the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum.

    The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation.

    They have seen their land steadily devoured by settlements and plagued by violence; their economy stifled; their people displaced and their homes demolished. Their hopes for a political solution to their plight have been vanishing.

    But the grievances of the Palestinian people cannot justify the appalling attacks by Hamas. And those appalling attacks cannot justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people.


    Even war has rules.

    We must demand that all parties uphold and respect their obligations under international humanitarian law; take constant care in the conduct of military operations to spare civilians; and respect and protect hospitals and respect the inviolability of UN facilities which today are sheltering more than 600,000 Palestinians.

    The relentless bombardment of Gaza by Israeli forces, the level of civilian casualties, and the wholesale destruction of neighborhoods continue to mount and are deeply alarming.

    I mourn and honour the dozens of UN colleagues working for UNRWA – sadly, at least 35 and counting – killed in the bombardment of Gaza over the last two weeks.

    I owe to their families my condemnation of these and many other similar killings.

    The protection of civilians is paramount in any armed conflict.

    Protecting civilians can never mean using them as human shields.

    Protecting civilians does not mean ordering more than one million people to evacuate to the south, where there is no shelter, no food, no water, no medicine and no fuel, and then continuing to bomb the south itself.

    I am deeply concerned about the clear violations of international humanitarian law that we are witnessing in Gaza.

    Let me be clear: No party to an armed conflict is above international humanitarian law.


    Thankfully, some humanitarian relief is finally getting into Gaza.

    But it is a drop of aid in an ocean of need.

    In addition, our UN fuel supplies in Gaza will run out in a matter of days. That would be another disaster.

    Without fuel, aid cannot be delivered, hospitals will not have power, and drinking water cannot be purified or even pumped.

    The people of Gaza need continuous aid delivery at a level that corresponds to the enormous needs. That aid must be delivered without restrictions.

    I salute our UN colleagues and humanitarian partners in Gaza working under hazardous conditions and risking their lives to provide aid to those in need. They are an inspiration.

    To ease epic suffering, make the delivery of aid easier and safer, and facilitate the release of hostages, I reiterate my appeal for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire.


    Even in this moment of grave and immediate danger, we cannot lose sight of the only realistic foundation for a true peace and stability: a two-State solution.

    Israelis must see their legitimate needs for security materialized, and Palestinians must see their legitimate aspirations for an independent State realized, in line with United Nations resolutions, international law and previous agreements.

    Finally, we must be clear on the principle of upholding human dignity.

    Polarization and dehumanization are being fueled by a tsunami of disinformation.

    We must stand up to the forces of antisemitism, anti-Muslim bigotry and all forms of hate.

    Mr. President,

    Today is United Nations Day, marking 78 years since the UN Charter entered into force.

    That Charter reflects our shared commitment to advance peace, sustainable development and human rights.

    On this UN Day, at this critical hour, I appeal to all to pull back from the brink before the violence claims even more lives and spreads even farther.

    Thank you very much.
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  10. #10
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    Default Re: Israel/Gaza information sources

    I look for detailed information from sources that have editors. Then I triangulate, to compensate for the slant each one has.

    - Washington Post:

    - New York Times:

    - The Guardian:

    - Haaretz:

    - Al Jazeera:

    - +972:

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    Default Re: Israel/Gaza information sources

    Quote Originally Posted by welch View Post
    I look for detailed information from sources that have editors. Then I triangulate, to compensate for the slant each one has.

    - Washington Post:

    - New York Times:

    - The Guardian:

    - Haaretz:

    - Al Jazeera:

    - +972:
    never heard of +972

    thanks for that

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Israel/Gaza information sources

    Quote Originally Posted by welch View Post
    I look for detailed information from sources that have editors. Then I triangulate, to compensate for the slant each one has.

    - Washington Post:

    - New York Times:

    - The Guardian:

    - Haaretz:

    - Al Jazeera:

    - +972:
    That link to Haaretz has been highjacked, redirecting to some sort of spoofed fake McAfee protection page. Or at least that's what it's doing to me right now.

    Anyway, all those links are to sources that are somewhat to very sympathetic to Hamas except for Haaretz, and a quick glance at today's issue reveals substantial hostility towards Netanyahu, suggesting that while being Israeli, they are apparently more or less left-leaning. Anyway, your choices don't seem to represent much of a spectrum to me; more like assorted views from various positions on the left. (I never heard of +972 before, but today's front page loudly proclaims opposition to Israel defending itself, despite apparently being a Jewish website. Thus it looks very much like more of the same as the others.)
    Last edited by calamus; November 4th, 2023 at 09:09 PM.
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  13. #13
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    Default Re: Israel/Gaza information sources

    Quote Originally Posted by calamus View Post
    That link to Haaretz has been highjacked, redirecting to some sort of spoofed fake McAfee protection page. Or at least that's what it's doing to me right now.
    I clicked on that link, and it went directly to If that link still takes you to a fake McAfee page, then your computer might be infected with malware. Did you try clearing your browser cached and running an antivirus scan?

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Israel/Gaza information sources

    Interactive Map: Israel's Operation in Gaza:

  15. The Following User Says Thank You to kazoolaw For This Useful Post:

    welch (November 8th, 2023)

  16. #15
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    Default Re: Israel/Gaza information sources

    There might be no non-partisan source on the Hamas-Israel War, but we can look for honesty. That's generally found in reporters that ask questions of official sources ("How do you know?") and by comparing the best and most detailed sources on what has happened each day.

    The Times, the Post, the Guardian, and Al Jazeera have special sections on the war. The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) has shifted its Iran section to cover Israel and Hamas:

    - The New York Times:

    - The Washington Post:

    - The Guardian:

    - Al Jazeera:

    - ISW:

    Haaretz devotes most of its reporting to the war:

    - Haaretz:

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    Default Re: Israel/Gaza information sources

    Thanks for these specific links, welch

  18. #17
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    Default Re: Israel/Gaza information sources is a site which uses various computer analyses to geolocate attacks and attempt to measure the extent of damage to buildings in Gaza among other things.
    As posting here stretches my computer skills, looking at what can be done and how things are faked is fascinating.

  19. #18
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    Default Re: Israel/Gaza information sources

    I ignore "social media" and anything that George Galloway posts. He worships Putin and claims to be a peace campaigner because he has, from the beginning of the Russian invasion, insisted that the only way to bring peace to Ukraine is to stop the US and UK from sending weapons to the Ukrainians. Galloway's Puti9nist apologists told us that George Soros and Hunter Biden had built a bio-weapons lab under the steelworks in Mariupol, and that Hunter Biden and a Canadian lieutenant general and the Nato ground forces commander were all trapped there, ten levels underground.

    Stick with actual news organizations that send reporters and photographers to Gaza, the West Bank, and to Israel. There are enough horrors that people don't need to invent some.

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    Default Re: Israel/Gaza information sources

    I appreciate your input on Galloway. Although I am wary of sources, in subjects I’m not familiar with it’s hard to separate the wheat from the chaff.


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