I have no right to ask this, but I don't have any other option.

In the last 3 years (since getting back into fountain pens) I have acquired many different vintage pens which subsequently got sold, or more often just given away to other members here or at the other place. The recipients know who they are. A lot of the pens I've bought have been low quality anyway, mainly because I don't really know what I am looking at. However, since I returned to fountain pen use I've had a longing to own (or at least try) a genuinely flexible vintage nib.

There are problems with this, and is why I am here cap in hand.

1. Reputable eBay sellers often have a "following" usually comprised of people for whom (it seems) bidding up prices is not an issue. This leads to some very high prices that I feel are not a true representation of value beyond that small group.

2. Specialist online sellers set prices at or beyond what I see on eBay - and this is often reflected in very slow sales at those sites. Perhaps they can afford to wait?

3. From what people have told me, pen show prices are far more reasonable: even though vintage flex is going to cost a premium, it is not apparently anywhere near as high as 1 and 2 above.

4. There is no sensible way to try before buying as I live on a remote island.

5. There are a number of bridges I would like to repair, if people will at least afford me the chance to do so.

What I would like is to be able to reach out someone in the community who I can trust as a finder or as a facilitator. Preferably someone who frequents big pen shows. I don't know anyone who fits this description, and so I hope someone will take pity and at least start a conversation with me.

It would be nice to find something in reasonable condition, and this search is really about the nib and not a museum grade pen. I don't have a lot of money, so i couldn't pay anyone for this kindness - though I may be able to gift one of my few remaining pens.

An alternative is if anyone is willing to risk sending a flexible vintage pen to me so I can at least experience what they are like. I would be willing to pay insured shipping both ways for such privilege. I'm not a heavy handed user.

Anyway, that's my only remaining pen-related quest. Please consider it, and please let me know of any difficulties that may make this endeavour impossible to prosecute.

Thank you for your time if you have read this far.