Quote Originally Posted by dneal View Post
Quote Originally Posted by TSherbs View Post
Quote Originally Posted by dneal View Post

Are you done with the navel gazing? Is there some other pedantic point you would like to argue?
Still being the dick, I see.

You base your argument on a dichotomy and then call it "pedantic" and "navel gazing" to point out the limitations of argument via dichotomy? Nice work, there.

How about you just get smarter? You posted a stupid, jingoistic column full of false assumptions, overgeneralizations, and false dichotomies. You asked for comments and got answers. We could go over every line and show you the flaws, but it ain't worth the time cuz no one really cares enough, and you slander those who actually give you a sincere reply (that you don't like).

Nothin' new this week.

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Curious response. Let me check my troll trap and see who was ensnared... EOC, Chuck, Chip and you. Says a lot.

But even more curious is one who explicitly stated they were not interested in a conversation with me can't help themselves but to rush to the defense of a fellow troll, leading off with "still being the dick..." Glass houses and all that.

Get smarter? I'm not the one who is unable to derive principles from Rep Crenshaw's piece and discuss the merits or lack thereof. That would be the same people in the aforementioned trap.

So indeed, nothing is new this week. Thanks for playing, and maybe you should see someone about your anger. It's getting worse. Should some miracle happen and Trump be re-elected in '24, I don't think you will be able to cope with it. "Brandon" doesn't appear to be up for a second term.

First statement really does say a lot. It says that you, dneal, are somewhat delusional. In general I may chime in a response to a piece of information or a subject I find interesting, or if I am invited to do so. Fairly sure that's what most people tend to do. And yet you label me as a troll for posting a single link in a different thread - a link that merely lead to some opinion pieces that I found interesting. Note that I didn't further attend that thread and neither did I defend the op pieces in the link. They were merely offered as of interest to the subject. And yet you label me as a troll. Pretty absurdly low bar you set there, fellow.

Your second statement above does of course run slap into the face of whataboutism. Well done.

Third statement, oh dear, back to you assuming you're right and everyone else is stupid (bit of a stuck groove for you it seems). Crenshaw's piece is lightweight in its rhetoric and easily picked apart. There is no merit in claiming some secret message therein that only you can mine. Kind of makes you look a bit desperate.

Note: over the last couple of years there are some of us who have enjoyed exploring these potentially contentious subjects in this part of FPGeeks. You, dneal, obviously have information to share, but you have decided (for god knows what reason, if any) to position yourself as an antagonist only. It is therefore hardly surprising that you get the responses you get, and yet ironically you seem surprised that you are still getting that kind of response. Further, it amazes me that you seem unaware of the fact that you are a participant in those conversations and thus the responses you get are in part a product of your engagement. Some sort of mental blinkers perhaps.