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  1. #161
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    Many years ago, I rented a remote cabin with a flying saucer cult as neighbors.

    While they tended toward the far right (alien abduction, Armageddon, a race war, Chinese/UN takeover/ Elders of Zion, etc.) they also were keen on nutrition, crystals, auras, and that sort of stuff.

    They were always seeing things (hawks were scanner disks, marmots were gnomes, lenticular clouds were camouflaged spaceships) that I didn't see the same.

    I went out of my way to be nice to them as people, not get into arguments, dig their cars out of the snow, etc.

    Eventually their founder, whom they believed had gone away on a spaceship to plan the apocalypse, was found after several years in his wrecked Cessna in a Utah canyon. At which point they sort of dried up and blew away.

    So I guess it was part of my education.

  2. #162
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    Taste of kale makes unborn babies grimace, finds research

    First study to look at facial responses of foetuses to tastes shows crying expression twice as likely for kale than carrot

    Nicola Davis Science correspondent
    Thu 22 Sep 2022

    If the taste of kale makes you screw up your face, you are not alone: researchers have observed foetuses pull a crying expression when exposed to the greens in the womb. While previous studies have suggested our food preferences may begin before birth and can be influenced by the mother’s diet, the team says the new research is the first to look directly at the response of unborn babies to different flavours.

    “[Previously researchers] just looked at what happens after birth in terms of what do [offspring] prefer, but actually seeing facial expressions of the foetus when they are getting hit by the bitter or by the non-bitter taste, that is something which is completely new,” said Prof Nadja Reissland, from Durham University, co-author of the research. Foetuses showed a crying expression around twice as often when the mother consumed a kale capsule compared with carrot.

    Writing in the journal Psychological Science, the team noted that aromas from the mother’s diet were present in the amniotic fluid. Taste buds can detect taste-related chemicals from 14 weeks’ gestation, and odour molecules can be sensed from 24 weeks’ gestation. To delve into whether foetuses differentiate specific flavours, the team looked at ultrasound scans from almost 70 pregnant women, aged 18 to 40 from the north-east of England, who were split into two groups. One group was asked to take a capsule of powdered kale 20 minutes before an ultrasound scan, and the other was asked to take a capsule of powdered carrot. Vegetable consumption by the mothers did not differ between the kale and carrot group.

    The team also examined scans from 30 women, taken from an archive, who were not given any capsules.

    All the women were asked to refrain from eating anything else in the hour before their scans. The team then carried out a frame-by-frame analysis of the frequency of a host of different facial movements of the foetuses, including combinations that resembled laughing or crying. Overall, the researchers examined 180 scans from 99 foetuses, scanned at either 32 weeks, 36 weeks, or at both time points.

    Among the results, the team found foetuses showed a crying expression about twice as often when the mother consumed a kale capsule compared with a carrot capsule or no capsule. When the mother consumed a carrot capsule however, the foetuses adopted a laughter-like expression about twice as often as they did when either a kale capsule or no capsule was swallowed by the mother.

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    Rescuer of bar-going raccoon arrested for unlawful possession of furbearer

    A North Dakota woman who found the animal by the road planned to release him in the wild, but he was seized and euthanized

    Adam Gabbatt
    Fri 23 Sep 2022

    A woman has been charged with three crimes after she took a raccoon called Rocky to a bar in North Dakota.

    Erin Christensen faces up to two years in prison and a $7,500 fine after she took the raccoon to Maddock Bar for happy hour on 6 September. A bartender said no one was bitten by Rocky during the visit, but the outing nevertheless prompted a health scare, with North Dakota’s health and human services department issuing a warning about possible rabies exposure.

    Christensen, 38, was arrested last week after authorities found her and the raccoon by serving several search warrants in and around Maddock, in the north of the state. She told the Bismarck Tribune that police “brought a battering ram to break down the front door of the house” after they finally located her and Rocky. Christensen described it as “a shock-and-awe campaign”.

    She has been charged with providing false information to law enforcement, tampering with physical evidence, and unlawful possession of furbearers.

    Christensen said her family found Rocky on the side of a road about three months ago. She said they were nursing the raccoon back to health, and planned to release him back into the wild. Instead, Rocky was euthanized after his capture. He tested negative for rabies.

  5. #164
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    This week's weird takes.

  6. #165
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    It's pumpkin season. Look out for bad puns.

    Monster 2,554lb pumpkin breaks US record

    ‘Every time she’s thirsty you gotta go give her a drink’: details of gourd’s diet and battles against ‘animals and critters’ in top bid

    Guardian staff and agency
    Tue 4 Oct 2022

    He set out to squash rivals’ dreams and he succeeded. Retired commercial farmer Scott Andrusz spent sleepless nights tending to a giant gourd in his field and finally came up with a new US record – a plump pumpkin weighing in at 2,554 pounds.

    The latest record holder for heaviest pumpkin grown in the US tended his prize pie filling in upstate New York and pureed the previous record holder, a grower in New Hampshire whose 2,528 monster set the national standard in 2018, but in the end wasn’t a patch on Andrusz’s. The 63-year-old in Clarence, near Buffalo, had hoped to grow the heaviest pumpkin in New York state but ended up a national champion.

    “Give it all the best stuff you can think of to give it, all the fertilizer, kelp, worm castings, chicken refuse,” Andrusz told Gothamist. “And a ton of water. Every time she’s thirsty you gotta go give her a drink.”

    The previous New York state record was 2,517 pounds, a news release said. The winning gourd will be on display at Clarence’s Great Pumpkin Farm fall festival through October 16.

    A grower in Italy holds the world record for heaviest pumpkin, with a 2,702-pound squash in 2021, according to Guinness World Records.

    Andrusz reportedly had a giant pumpkin ready to compete for a record last fall but it cracked just before the harvest. To get his latest gorgeous gourd to fruition, he stayed up nights protecting it from raccoons and other animals set on nibbling or damaging it.

    “All the animals and critters seem to love this pumpkin more than anything in the world. They all want to eat on it. And I have cats come and try to scratch it, they think it’s a big couch,” he told Gothamist.

    Meanwhile, in Vermont, the birth of a new species?

  7. #166
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    Is that a python in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?

    Trouser snakes: US man accused of smuggling three reptiles in his pants

    New Yorker accused of hiding large Burmese pythons in trousers while crossing from Canada in July could face 20-year sentence

    Gloria Oladipo in New York
    Fri 7 Oct 2022

    A New York City man faces up to 20 years in prison for allegedly attempting to smuggle three large snakes across the US-Canada border – in his pants. Queens resident Calvin Bautista, 36, is accused of hiding three Burmese pythons while on a bus crossing into the US at the Champlain port of entry in New York state on 15 July 2018, the Associated Press reported.

    Bautista was arraigned this week in court in Albany, the New York state capital. He faces federal smuggling charges, as importing Burmese pythons is regulated by an international treaty and federal law. Bringing the pythons into the US from another country requires permits under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, which Bautista did not have, the Fort-Worth Star Telegram reported.

    Bautista was released in the lead-up to his trial, the Department of Justice said. If convicted, he faces a maximum of 20 years in prison, a $250,000 fine and three years of supervised release. The case is being investigated by the US Fish and Wildlife Service and US Customs and Border Protection.

    Burmese pythons are one of the largest species of snakes, growing up to 16ft. While the pythons are not considered at risk of extinction, they are considered a vulnerable species in Asia and an invasive species in Florida.
    Last edited by Chip; October 8th, 2022 at 01:16 PM.

  8. #167
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    Cat v fox: what made Downing Street’s Larry so brave?

    The chief mouser was seen on camera chasing away a larger intruder on his patch. Experts explain his behaviour

    Hannah Devlin Science correspondent
    Thu 13 Oct 2022 09.54 EDT

    Larry, the Downing Street cat, stepped up from mouser duties this week to chase an urban fox off his patch. The burly tabby was caught on camera intently stalking the fox before launching into a fully fledged pursuit when the trespasser tried to take cover in a flowerbed.

    Larry emerges the victor, but the encounter has led some to wonder what gives cats the brazen confidence to take on larger animals such as foxes or dogs.

    Experts say cat behaviour is strongly shaped by instincts that date back to their wild ancestors. Domestic cats are far more similar, genetically and in behaviour, to wild relatives than dogs are to wolves. As solitary hunters, establishing and maintaining control of territory in which to hunt and mate is central to the cat lifestyle. “Cats will confront most other animals if threatened, even dogs,” said Nicky Trevorrow, a behaviour manager at the charity Cats Protection. “This is because they’re naturally territorial – it’s an ingrained instinct – so will often challenge any other animals on their territory.”

    Cats typically have favoured areas to sleep and eat and mark out their “home range” by spraying, rubbing their facial scent markers on objects and scratching around the area to warn off other cats. Cats patrol their territory along a network of paths, often on a regular schedule, allowing neighbouring cats to avoid encounters that could result in a standoff. A cat’s sex (unneutered males tend to be more confrontational), life experience and disposition play a role in how it will react to any encroachment on their territory.

    “There is a lot of individual variation in how strongly they will react to perceived intruders, and whether they will take on animals, such as foxes, that are larger than themselves,” said Prof James Serpell, an animal welfare expert at the University of Pennsylvania. “If a cat’s first encounter with a fox causes that fox to run away, it will likely embolden the cat in any subsequent encounters with foxes.”

    Foxes may be bigger with more powerful jaws, but evidence suggests other cats often prove more formidable adversaries. A 2013 analysis of VetCompass, a clinical database of vet visits, identified five confirmed and nine suspected fox fight injuries for each 10,000 vet visits by cats (there was no data to indicate how foxes fared in these scuffles). This compared with 541 in 10,000 for cats presented with cat bite injuries and 196 in 10,000 cats being presented after a road traffic accident.

    “So to put fox attacks into context, other cats (40 times greater risk) and cars (14 times) appear to present much greater dangers to cats than foxes,” concluded Pete Wedderburn, a vet and broadcaster, who carried out the fox risk assessment.

    “Cats and foxes usually pose no threat to one another and it’s unusual for any harm to be caused to either of them when in close proximity,” said Trevorrow. There may be some instinctive animosity between cats and foxes, as there is between cats and dogs, due to the species once competing for food. “Ancestrally, foxes competed directly with wildcats for food such as rodents and birds, and adult foxes probably posed a predation threat to young wildcats and kittens,” said Serpell.

    Dennis Turner, the director of the Institute for Applied Ethology and Animal Psychology near Zurich, said: “Larry obviously feels at home at No 10 and is a large male. Although males, even intact ones, are usually more tolerant of other males – they have other things on their minds – they can still chase intruders away from their core areas of activity. Those include cats unknown to them, dogs and even foxes as in this case. Obviously this fox was one of the urban foxes living in and around London – but I bet it won’t come back for a while after this.”

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    Loo rolled: Japan’s oldest toilet damaged as driver backed up

    Worker mistakenly accelerated while the car was in reverse, crashing into the building’s roughly 500-year old wooden door

    Justin McCurry in Tokyo
    Tue 18 Oct 2022

    Japan’s oldest existing toilet, dating back hundreds of years, has been damaged after it was accidentally rammed by a car driven by an employee of an organisation that preserves cultural relics.

    The 30-year-old man, who works for the Kyoto Heritage Preservation Association, damaged the communal toilet, located inside Tofukuji temple in Kyoto, after he mistakenly accelerated while the vehicle was in reverse, crashing into the building’s wooden door, according to media reports.

    The man, who has not been named, immediately called police after the incident on Monday morning. No one else was inside the Zen Buddhist temple at the time of the accident, and the driver was unhurt.

    The “tosu” restroom, an important cultural property, was built during the Muromachi period about 500 years ago for use by trainee monks, according to the public broadcaster NHK. Its 2-metre-tall double door and interior pillars were damaged in the incident, the Sora News 24 website reported. A photo in the Sankei Shimbun newspaper showed the car – a 20-year-old Toyota WiLL Vi – inside the building surrounded by what was left of the wooden doors.

    The temple, which could accommodate up to 100 monks at a time, contains a row of about 20 toilets, according to the Asahi Shimbun. The newspaper said the conveniences were still in use as recently as the start of the Meiji era (1868-1912).

    Fortunately for the hapless driver, who had been visiting the ancient capital on business, experts say the damage can be repaired. Toshio Ishikawa, director of the temple’s research institute, said he was “stunned” by the extent of the damage, but relieved that no one had been injured. “We’d like to restore it before the autumn foliage season, but it will probably take until the new year [to repair it],” he told the Kyoto Shimbun.

    While the building is usually closed to visitors, the rows of toilets can be viewed through gaps in the building’s exterior. The toilets – little more than circular holes cut into blocks of stone – are a far cry from the modern-day Japanese toilets that continue to fascinate foreign visitors.

    While they did not feature bidet or drying functions, the temple’s toilets were at least located in a convenient place for monks who spent many hours trying to achieve Zen enlightenment – right next to the meditation hall.

  10. #169
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    Double whammy!

    Newsmax bans Lara Logan after QAnon-tinged on-air tirade

    Lara Logan, who has spread QAnon-style conspiracy theories in appearances on conservative networks including Fox News.

    Maya Yang in New York
    Fri 21 Oct 2022

    The rightwing US TV network Newsmax said it had no plans to interview Lara Logan again, after the award-winning war correspondent turned rightwing pundit launched a QAnon-tinged tirade on air.

    Speaking to host Eric Bolling, Logan said “the open border is Satan’s way of taking control of the world” and claimed world leaders drank children’s blood. QAnon is a pro-Trump conspiracy theory which holds that leading liberal figures in US and world politics are, among other things, secretly murderous pedophiles.

    Logan told Bolling: “God believes in sovereignty and national identity and the sanctity of family, and all the things that we’ve lived with from the beginning of time. And he knows that the open [southern US] border is Satan’s way of taking control of the world through all of these people who are his stooges and his servants."

    “And they may think that they’re going to become gods. That’s what they tell us … You know, the ones who want us eating insects, cockroaches and that while they dine on the blood of children? Those are the people, right? They’re not going to win. They’re not going to win.”

    Newsmax said in a statement it “condemns in the strongest terms the reprehensible statements made by Lara Logan” and had “no plans to interview her again”.

    Genius! She can't count as high as three.

    Boebert tells Republican dinner guests they’re part of ‘second coming of Jesus’

    Colorado representative told Tennessee members ‘there is a calling’ and that ‘it is an honor to serve in this time’

    Maya Yang
    Thu 20 Oct 2022 17.57 EDT

    At a dinner hosted by the Knox county Republican party in Tennessee on Wednesday, Boebert addressed the guests by saying, “I want to start with two words: ‘Let’s go Brandon’”, referring to a vulgar anti-Joe Biden slogan before adding, “In all seriousness, there is a calling on each and every one of you to be involved and to rise up. It is an honor to serve in this time. I believe that many of us in this room believe that we are in the last of the last days and that’s not a time to complain, that’s not a time to grumble, to be dismayed, to be disheartened, but a time to rejoice,” Boebert said.

    “You get to be a part of ushering in the second coming of Jesus,” the congresswoman said to applause across the room.

    Boebert’s remarks of the Christian belief that Jesus will return again after his ascension to heaven 2,000 years ago has triggered a slew of reactions online.

    The Lincoln Project, a Republican political action committee aimed at defeating Trumpism, tweeted: “Christian or not, Lauren Boebert cannot adequately represent any constituent who does not believe in this end times prophecy. Can you really have someone making decisions on your behalf that thinks nothing they do now will matter?”

    One user wrote, “If the end of times is coming why is she bothering with an election?”

    “I say this in all sincerity as a Knox county constituent and as an actual Christian … what in the HELL was that all about???” another user tweeted.

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    Hard to believe that these are real. What a country.

  12. #171
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    Here's a bit of relief from the craziness.

    ‘Seattle icon’: dog who rode bus solo to the park dies aged 10

    Trips began in 2015 when Eclipse’s owner failed to notice the black Labrador climbed onto a city bus by herself and exited the correct stop

    Erum Salam
    Wed 19 Oct 2022

    A beloved Seattle-area dog known for riding the bus around the major US city by herself in order to get to the dog park has died at the the age of 10. Eclipse, a black Labrador, had become a firm Seattle favorite and also famous around the world for her solo trips on public transport.

    The strange phenomenon began in 2015 when her owner, Jeff Young, was finishing a cigarette and failed to notice in time that Eclipse had climbed onto a bus by herself. The bus then drove off but Eclipse exited at the correct stop and was later found by Young happily playing at her usual dog park. She then made regular solo trips to the park, usually two to three times per week.

    A friend to all, she became well-known in her community and especially among fellow bus riders who enjoyed petting the pup on their commute.

    King Country Metro, Seattle’s public transit authority, welcomed the peculiar passenger on each trip. Eclipse eventually became its brand ambassador. In 2015, Eclipse starred in a promotional music video titled "Bus Doggy Dog" for King County Metro. With a bus pass strapped to her leash, Eclipse could be seen running all over Seattle, dining at dog-friendly restaurants, shopping for treats, and visiting a local movie theater.

    On a Facebook page he made for his four-legged friend, called “Eclipse Seattle’s Bus Riding Dog”, Young shared that she passed shortly after being diagnosed with cancerous tumors.

    He wrote: “Thank you all for the heartfelt messages about Eclipse Seattle’s Bus Riding Dog she was loved my so many. RIP in Doggie Heaven you’ll never be forgotten sweet girl.”

    After her passing, King County Metro wrote on Twitter: “Eclipse was a super sweet, world-famous, bus riding dog and true Seattle icon. You brought joy and happiness to everyone and showed us all that good dogs belong on the bus.”
    Last edited by Chip; October 22nd, 2022 at 09:44 PM.

  13. #172
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    I was in a book store last week and saw this cover. What a dopey cover and title. Wow do I dislike this dude.

  14. #173
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    It's a frequent scam. Politician publishes a memoir. Lobbyists, industry groups, and various supporters buy case lots, often at inflated prices.

    It's basically a thinly-disguised form of bribery.

    A Trump Political Committee Bought $158,000 Worth Of Books Shortly After Jared Kushner Published His Best-Selling Memoir

    Zach Everson
    Oct 16, 2022

    One of Donald Trump’s political committees spent $158,000 on books just weeks after Jared Kushner released his memoir. “Breaking History: A White House Memoir” hit shelves on Aug. 23. Two weeks later, the Save America Joint Fundraising Committee, which raises money for two Trump PACs, paid retailer Books-A-Million $131,000 for “collateral:books,” according to a campaign filing made Saturday with the Federal Election Commission.

    On Sept. 22, Save America purchased another $27,000 worth of books. Spokespeople for Save America did not immediately respond to questions about whether the book purchases covered Kushner’s memoir. But it seems likely that they did. Save America Joint Fundraising Committee is currently offering signed copies of Kusher’s book in exchange for donations of $75 or more.

    It appears Kushner’s book sales benefited from at least one other bulk purchase, too. When “Breaking History” debuted at number one on the New York Times hardcover nonfiction best-seller list, its ranking was accompanied by a dagger, signifying that some book sellers had reported bulk orders. That list included data for the week ending Aug. 27—two weeks before Save America’s big purchase. It’s not clear if another political committee purchased Kushner’s memoir or if there was another bulk buyer.

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  16. #175
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    "A truth does not mind being questioned. A lie does not like being challenged."

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    I’m looking forward to the mid term election and all the post election hysteria/rhetoric.
    Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

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    Yes, when everyone except over paid physicians lose their freedoms. Most don't or aren't taking this election with the seriousness it deserves. I have only to assume they didn't pass or have to take American History in HS.

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    Python swallows woman at plantation in Indonesia

    Body of 54-year-old worker found in stomach of 7-metre snake on island of Sumatra

    Rebecca Ratcliffe and Reno Surya
    Wed 26 Oct 2022

    A woman was found dead in the stomach of a 7-metre python at a rubber plantation where she worked in Indonesia, according to local reports. The woman, identified as Jahrah, 54, went to work on the plantation in Jambi province, on the island of Sumatra, on Sunday morning and her husband reported her missing when she did not return home that evening.

    Searching for her on Sunday night, her husband discovered her sandals, headscarf, jacket and the tools she used at work, and called for others to help, police told local media. The following morning, a python was spotted nearby. “When the security team and residents conducted a search around the rubber plantation, then we found a python 7 metres long. It is this snake that is suspected of preying on the victim. After we caught him, we found the victim’s body in the snake’s stomach,” the local police chief, AKP S Harefa, told the Detik news site.

    Pythons, which kill through constriction, typically eat smaller animals, swallowing their food whole. Cases of humans being swallowed are rare. In 2018, a woman was found to have been swallowed by a giant python on the island of Muna, off Sulawesi. She had gone missing in her garden, which was at the base of a rocky cliff where snakes were known to live in caves. A year earlier, a farmer was killed and swallowed by a giant python in the village of Salubiro, on Sulawesi island.

    Far greater numbers of people are affected by snake bites. Every year there are about 5.4m cases of snake bites, of which between 1.8m and 2.7m lead to poisoning, according to the World Health Organization. Children and agricultural workers in poorer, rural communities are the most at risk.

  20. #179
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    More on reptiles:

  21. #180
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bold2013 View Post
    I’m looking forward to the mid term election and all the post election hysteria/rhetoric.
    Not everyone is waiting until after the election to become hysterical.


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